Assessment of Trace Elements Concentration in various Aquatic Ecosystems of Nedumangadu and Neyyatinkara Taluk of Thiruvananthapuram District in Kerala, India
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 01 (2016),
1 January 2016
Page 3422-3430
In the present study an attempt has been made on trace element analysis on various ponds connected to
Neyyar river basin in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala. The study was carried out for two years i.e.
January 2012 to December 2013. For the study period ten sites were selected and was conducted to
determine the seasonal changes of trace elements (Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Zn, Co and Pb). The concentration
of Cadmium in pond ecosystem ranges from 0.001 mg/l to 0.028 mg/l. The trace element concentrations are
below the permissible limit in all ponds except Cadmium. The concentration of cadmium is higher in one
pond (Thavalayilakulam). Co was not found in any of the ponds during the study period. The trace elements
were determined by atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Thermo ICE-3500 series. All the data were
analysed statically using one-way ANOVA to investigate the seasonal significant relationship in the ponds.
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