Toxicologic Pathology of Carbaryl in Pigeons in Basrah/ Iraq
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 2 No. 11 (2015),
1 November 2015
Page 3364-3369
The present research project was done on toxicologica pathology of carbaryl in local pigeons, in four
group: untreated control, low dose (12.5mg/kg), intermediate dose (25 mg/kg) and high dose(50 mg/kg).
The study showed varying degree of histopathological changes in liver, kidney, heart, pancreas,intestine
and lung. Those histopathological changes varied from centrilopullarvacuolation of hepatocyte in liver,
dilated/ vacuolated proximal convoluted tubules in kidney with glomerular with high cellularity, lung
showed area inflammatory cells, pancreas with congested blood vessels and interstesial fibrosis, heart
with vacuolation of myocardial cells, odema and actopicadpose tissue, intestine showed increase
number of mucus gland and thickendmuscularisexterna. In conclusion it appeared that carbaryl can
induced various toxicologic pathologic lesion in various visceral organ as above. The changes were
more prominent and marked in high dose treated group.
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