Treatment of Car Wash Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Using Moringa Olifera as a Absorbent: A Review
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 02 (2017),
1 February 2017
Page 4981-4987
Water is used for many purpose, nowadays scarcity in water as proved by the survey. So the only way to save
water is treating the wastewater. The car wash wastewater is treated and it is reused. The wastewater contains
surfactants, COD, oil and greases .The effective and advanced method to treat the car wash waste water by
electrocoagulation process. This process is most effective in removal of oil and grease.The parameters pH,
turbidity, chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, colour is tested in wastewater. Moringa olifera is
used as a natural absorbent to treat the water before electrocoagulation. This paper clearly shows the result of
waste water treated after adding natural absorbent and electrocoagulation process.
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