Electrical Discharge Machining Characteristics of Hybrid Mg/Sicp/Flyash Composites
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 09 (2016),
1 September 2016
Page 4637-4641
The objectives of this research is to prepare the hybrid Mg/SiCp/Flyash metal matrix composite through
powder metallurgy technique and investigate the effects of process parameters like current, pulse on time
and pulse off time in Electro Discharge Machining characteristics on material removal rate and tool wear
rate. The composition is selected on weight percentage basis SiC with 6 % and 6% fly ash with constant 88%
Mg as matrix material. With proper uniform distribution particulate dispenses wisely which is evident from
SEM analysis. The electrical discharge machining was done though the ELEKTRA PLUS spark erosion
machine. Brass tool with 10 mm diameter is used to machine the specimens. Current (I), pulse on time (Ton)
and pulse off time (Toff) parameters were varied in this electrical discharge machining process. Experiments
were conducted under different conditions of pulse on time (Ton), pulse off time (Toff), current (I). The
output responses measured were material removal rate (MRR) and Tool wear rate (TWR). Mathematical
models are proposed for the above responses using response surface methodology (RSM). The analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was carried out to study the effect of process parameters on process performance.
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