The Efficient key Management Scheme for Data Sharing in Cloud Server
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016),
1 March 2016
Page 3666-3675
The capability of selectively division encrypted data with different users via public cloud storage may
greatly ease security concerns over involuntary data leaks in the cloud. A key test to design such encryption
idea lays in the well-organized organization encryption keys. The preferred flexibility of allocating any
group documents with any group of users by attaining weight age different encryption keys to be used for
different documents. However, this also implies the necessity of securely dispensing to users a large number
of keys for both encryption and search, and those users will have to steadily store the received keys, and
submit an equally large number of keyword doorways to the cloud in order to perform search over the
shared data.A novel concept of key aggregate searchable encryption (KASE) is to disseminate data to a
large number of users by cloud service provider is found to be an effective approach. Hence the proposed
system has an efficient key management scheme, key reuse to handle key distribution with regard to complex
subscription(querying) options ,Time duration and user activities.
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