
Privacy Preserving Similarity Based Text Retrival through Blind Storage in Cloud

V. Thilagavathi*, V.R. Kavitha

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3621-3626

In portable distributed computing, a major application is to outsource the versatile information to outside cloud servers for
adaptable information stockpiling. To test this issue, in this paper, We build up the Searchable encryption for multi-watchword
positioned look over the capacity information. In particular, by considering the extensive number of outsourced the reports in the
cloud, we use the significance score and k closest neighbor in methods to build up an effective multi-catchphrase look conspire
that can give back the positioned indexed lists in view of the exactness. Security analysis demonstrates that our scheme can
achieve confidentiality of documents and index, trapdoor privacy, access unlinkability, and obscuring access pattern of the search
user. Finally, using extensive simulations. We leverage an efficient index to further improve the Search efficiency, and adopt the
blind storage system to conceal access pattern of the search user

A Local Position of Recognition of Node Duplication Attacks in Wireless Networks

R.Latha MCA M.E1 , G.Leosurendar2 , S.Saisudhir3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3627-3633

IP spoofing-based submerging attacks are a serious and open security problem on the current Internet. The
best current anti-spoofing practices have long been implemented in modern routers. However, they are not
sufficiently applied due to the lack of deployment incentives although the identity of a node can be verified
through cryptographic authentication, predictable security approaches are not always desirable because of
their overhead requirements. Propose to use the three-dimensional correlation of received signal strength
(RSS) inherited from wireless nodes to detect the spoofing attacks. Then communicate the problem of
determining the number of attackers as a multiclass detection problem. Cluster-based tools are developed
to determine the number of attackers achieves monotonically increasing deployment incentives for all types
of spoofing attacks, and the structure design is insubstantial and practical. The prefix compression
algorithm advances the up-to-date by generalizing the functionalities and reducing the overhead in both
time and space. To determine the Spoofing attacks in turn determine the number of attacker masquerading
the node and to localize the adversaries.

Implementing Firewall using IP Tables in Linux

Prof. Kinjal Joshi, Tej Kashiparekh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3634-3637

The booming complexity of networks, and the desire to make them more accessible due to the growing
emphasis on and awareness of the Internet as a medium for multi-dimensional transactions, mean that
networks are becoming constantly and increasingly exposed to attacks, internal and external. The research
is on for mechanisms and techniques for the security of internal networks from such attacks. One of the
multiple protective mechanisms under detailed consideration is the firewall. A firewall protects a network
by guarding the points of entry to it. Firewalls are becoming increasingly effective and sophisticated by the
day, and new features are constantly being added, so that, in spite of the criticisms made of them and r&d
trends threatening them, they are still a very strong protective mechanism. This article provides an
overview of firewall using IP tables in Linux.

Irredundant Complete Domination Number of Graphs

A.Nellai Murugan1 , G.Victor Emmanuel2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3638-3646

The concept of complete graphs with real life application was introduced in [17] .In [14]
, A. Nellai Murugan, was
introduced the concept of complete dominating number of a graph. In this paper, We introduce a new domination
parameter called Irredundant complete dominating set of K4 -e , A subset S of V of a non trivial graph G is called a
dominating set of G if every vertex in V-S is adjacent to at least one vertex in S. The domination number of G is
the minimum cardinality taken over all dominating set in G. A subset S of V of a nontrivial graph G is said to be
complete dominating set, If for each denoted by S’ is the complete dominating set.
The minimum cardinality taken over all complete dominating set is called the complete domination number and is
denoted by
[14].A set is said to be redundant in S if othewise x is said to be irredundant
in S . Finally , S is called an irredundant set if all are irredundant in S , Otherwise S is a redundant set .A subset S
of v of a nontrivial graph G is said to be an Irredundant complete dominating set if S is an irredundant and complete .
The minimum cardinality taken over all an irredundant complete dominating set is called an Irredundant complete
domination number and is denoted by .
Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C69

Agricultural Water Saving Irrigation Controller

Asst. Prof. Pranita Bhosale1 , Dr. D B Salunke2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3647-3657|

Agricultural irrigation uses considerable volumes of water, and is one of the largest groups of consumptive
water uses in the state. The water efficiency practices listed in this fact sheet describe how to reduce excess
water use through implementation of efficient irrigation technology, effective irrigation scheduling, and soil
moisture determination and retention. These practices are designed to minimize water losses from
evaporation, deep percolation and runoff. Current research proposed an Embedded System for the
Automatic Control of Agricultural Controller. This project has wired sensor network for the real time
sensing and controlling of irrigation system. There is a need to develop new indigenous irrigation controller
to improve farm productivity and input use efficiency of water and other nutrients. This paper has real time
sensing and control of an irrigation system. When the condition of watering the agricultural farm is
abnormal then the system automatically switches ON the motor. When the water level reaches normal level
the motor automatically switch OFF. In this project we are interfacing microcontroller through temperature
sensor, humidity sensor and also interfacing to GSM through MAX 232. This paper presents the design and
development of Irrigation controller System built around a microcontroller. The system consists of
microcontroller, peripherals including RTC, LCD and driver circuit relay to switch on/off a motor. Different
parameters i.e. soil moisture, water contents, intensity, humidity, wind speed, temperature etc. The key
objective of this paper is to report on a developed indigenous low cost time based microcontroller based
irrigation scheduler which performs user defined functions and outputs commands to derive appropriate
actuators (solenoid valves, motor).

Secured Data Sharing In Federated Cloud Environment

G.Kavitha1 , R.Priya

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3658-3660

Cloud storage is an important area in cloud computing. This involves lot of process like storing large amount of
data, encryption of data and securely communicating encrypted keys with the users. Nowadays large amount of
secured data are shared in the cloud environment. Hence it is very important to maintain the privacy of secured
data. Thus the secured data is encrypted and the large numbers of keys are shared with the users. But sometimes
the user will not be able to maintain large amount of secured keys. In this journal a secured key aggregate
searchable encryption is proposed which is used for sharing a single aggregate key to the user for sharing large
number of documents in a federated cloud environment. Also the number of keyword trapdoors send to the cloud
environment by the user is also minimized in this approach.

Use of Continuous Integration in Single Page Rendering Web Application Development

T.Nathiya1 , Dr S. Prasanna

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3661-3665

This paper is mainly focused on single page rendering web application development using continuous
integration. The Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development life cycle process which mainly
focuses on automation and continuous delivering backlogs. Applying CI into the web application
development helps the developers have an effective application development and fulfil customer needs.
Move-View-Control (MVC) design pattern is used for code separation which helps to developer easily
understand code logic as well as debugging application. The development of the lifecycle is based on the
continuous integration and agile technique is analysed in reflecting the quality improvement. The
evolution of the continuous integration is used in single page rendering.

The Efficient key Management Scheme for Data Sharing in Cloud Server

R.Latha MCA. M.E1 , N.Murugan2 , S.Suresh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3666-3675

The capability of selectively division encrypted data with different users via public cloud storage may
greatly ease security concerns over involuntary data leaks in the cloud. A key test to design such encryption
idea lays in the well-organized organization encryption keys. The preferred flexibility of allocating any
group documents with any group of users by attaining weight age different encryption keys to be used for
different documents. However, this also implies the necessity of securely dispensing to users a large number
of keys for both encryption and search, and those users will have to steadily store the received keys, and
submit an equally large number of keyword doorways to the cloud in order to perform search over the
shared data.A novel concept of key aggregate searchable encryption (KASE) is to disseminate data to a
large number of users by cloud service provider is found to be an effective approach. Hence the proposed
system has an efficient key management scheme, key reuse to handle key distribution with regard to complex
subscription(querying) options ,Time duration and user activities.

Methods for Protein Structure Prediction and Its Application in Drug Design Using Hidden Markov Model

Nidhi Katiyar1 , Ravindra Nath2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3676-3684

Drug design and drug innovation are critical importance in human fitness. To design a drug must
successfully to the compound target from the substitute structures present in the organism. Many
traditional methods are used to design a drug in the laboratory. Now day computational methods have
become a major role in the drug design. A structure-based drug design is so complemented because
structure-based drug design uses the 3-dimensional structure of protein. To design the candidate drug that
is predicted to bind with high affinity and selectivity to the target. For prediction the new drug structure
many methods are used like artificial neural networks (ANN), fuzzy neural networks and hidden Markov
Model (HMM). All of these methods require the identification of peptide binding (chain of amino acid)
cores for model building. HMM modeling has become more popular in the all area of applications from
last several years because the models are very rich in mathematical structure and also theoretical
structure. HMM also play an important role in trans-membrane region prediction and trans-membrane
topology prediction in drug design. A computational base Hidden Markov Model became recently
important among bioinformatics research and many software tools are based on them.

A Novel 2D ASCO-OFDM Scheme In Wireless Communication

Sreya Manoj1 , Vishnu Prabha N Kaimal2

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3685-3690

The asymmetrically and symmetrically clipping optical OFDM (ASCO-OFDM) in two dimensional (2D)
intensity modulation direct detection (IM/DD) is a novel technique in optical wireless communication
(OWC). In 2D ASCO-OFDM the asymmetrically clipping optical OFDM (ACO-OFDM) symbols and the
symmetrically clipping optical (SCO)-OFDM symbols are mapped into odd columns of transmitted
matrices respectively. The spectral efficiency of 2D ASCO-OFDM is twice as much as that of 2D ACOOFDM and other conventional OFDM. Comparing with different constellation, 2D ASCO-OFDM
reduces the Peak-to-Average power ratio (PAPR) by 2dB. Moreover the SER performance of 2D ASCO
have high bit rate, and it exhibit better performance

Study and Analysis of Cutting Parameters of Rubber Rollers Using Doe Technique

Prof. Ganapati B. Kapashi1 , Prof. Vishnu S. Bhajantri2 , Prof. Vinayakumar B. Melmari3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3691-3703

Rubbers include natural rubbers and synthetic rubbers. Natural rubber is a naturally occurring substance
obtained from the exudations of certain tropical plants. Synthetic rubber is artificially derived from
petrochemical products. Among the most important synthetics are styrene-butadiene, polybutadiene, and
isoprene as well as ethylene-propylene rubbers. The prices of these synthetics have been historically in the
range of natural rubber prices and their markets have, although to varying degrees, overlapped those of
natural rubber.
Rubbers have wide applications in automobile, aerospace, electrical and many other manufacturing
industries, but still not much work has been done on its quality characteristics with different input process
parameters. A thorough understanding of the process behaviour is very crucial in order to control the
castings in terms of quality. In this work, the main quality characteristics, namely surface roughness and
hardness were modelled both linear and non linear, with respect to process parameters Speed, Feed and
Depth of cut and analysed using Design of Experiments Methodology with Response Surface Method.
The effects of process parameters were explained with main effect plots and response surface plots. Finally
multi response optimization, using desirability function approach was done on the best fitted models.

Mycoflora Associated with Baobab (Adansonia digitata) and their Effect on the Nutritional Composition of the Leaf and Fruit

Nasiru1 Y., *Kutama2 A. S., Abubakar2 M. M

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3704-3708

Mycoflora associated with leaf and fruit of Baobab (Adansonia digitata) and their effect on the nutritional
composition were investigated. Three different mycoflora were isolated from the leaf they include Aspergilus
flavus, Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Cladosporium spp while six mycoflora were isolated from the fruit
Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Lasiodiplodia, theobromae, Cladosporium spp, mucur mucedo and
pseudofussicoccum. It was observed that there was a relative decrease in the fat, crude fibre and crude
protein content of the infected leaves and fruits while the Ash contents of the infected leaves and fruits were
relatively higher. So also there was a decrease in the moisture content of healthy fruit while the moisture
content of the healthy leaves was relatively higher compared with the fungal infected ones. A correlation test
carried out shows that there was no significant difference P (>0.005) between the moisture, fat and crude
protein of infected leaves and the fat and crude fibre of infected fruits and apparently healthy ones, while the
ash and crude fibre of leaves and the ash, moisture and crude protein of the fruits indicates a significant
difference P (<0.005).

Native Client: A Sandbox Technology

Native Client: A Sandbox Technology

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3709-3714|

Native Client is a sandbox technology, which run C and C++ compiled code in the browser in an efficient and
secure manner. To make this technology go independent of any architecture, portable native client let
developers to compile their code with Ahead Of time (AOT) translation. It brings the native code to the web
without the loss of the security and portability of the web.

MOBILO (Mobile Lost) Tracker Android Application

Ashwini Adsul1 , Pooja Bhagde2 , Yogesh Butani3 , Prof. Sanjeev Dwivedi

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3715-3717

Smartphone users are increasing rapidly in this ICT enabled society. With the phenomenal growth of
smartphone usage, the burglary of such tiny device is also increasing. Smartphones are easily lost, stolen or
misplaced. Security is one of the main concerns for Smartphone users today. This paper proposes a model to
return smartphones from any kind of missing. Smartphone become more valuable useful device because it
contains more and more sensitive information. Considering the stored information, users are very much
concerned to return their phone to maintain regular communication and sharing. Index Terms—Information,
misplaced, remote access, smartphone security, theft protection.

The Prevelence of Dyslipidemia among Postmenopausal Women in Bangalore (Urban Area)

M Bi Bi Mariam1 , Dr Usha Devi C

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3718-3724

Objectives: Dyslipidemia is a key independent modifiable risk factor for Cardiovascular Disease. This study
was designed to investigate the current epidemiological features of dyslipidemia among postmenopausal
women in Bangalore.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 250 healthy postmenopausal women, fasting blood
obtained for testing lipid levels. Serum total cholesterol, triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol were measured using enzymatic procedures. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
concentration was estimated by Friedewald formula. Questionnaire -cum- interview method was used to
obtain relevant information. Dyslipidemia was identified based on serum lipids levels following the standards
proposed by the NCEP ATP III.
Results: The results showed that 47.6% had high TC (=200mg/dl), 54.8% had low HDL-C(<50mg/dl), 56.4%
had high LDL-C(=130mg/dl), and 24.4% had high TG(=150mg/dl) concentrations. Prevalence of lipid
abnormality (including borderline dyslipidemia and dyslipidemia) was 47.2%, 50.8%, 54.8% and 20.4% for
TC, HDL-C, LDL-C and TG, respectively. Thus, this study observed an alarmingly higher prevalence of lipid
abnormality in a large number of postmenopausal women.
Conclusions: The prevalence of dyslipidemia, based primarily on the presence of high cholesterol and high
LDL-C, was observed in the study population. Intervention will help in management of dyslipidemia, which is
a cornerstone in the prevention of both primary and secondary cardiovascular events.

M-Commerce Using NFC Tags

Sneha Nair, Renuka Sahani, Jayshree Diksha, Devki Upadhyay

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3725-3728

This paper presents a novel method to create an Android based M-commerce application using NFC. It would
require Mobile Devices which support NFC technology. NFC stands for Near Field Communication
technology which is a short-range, high frequency, low bandwidth radio technology that allows transferring
data within few centimeters. In traditional shopping, the customer needs to physically pick up the items to be
purchased and carry cash or credit/debit cards with them to make payments. The application mentioned here
would read the NFC tag(s) of the product(s) & add it to the shopping cart in our application. It would also
provide methods to change the quantity of product/s purchased and edit the cart. Along with this the customer
would be informed about the on-going offers in the store. Payment could be made through cash or online
using existing payment methods. The paper would also throw light on NFC based payments.

Decision Support System for Agriculture Management

Vinita Patil1 , Snehal Payer2 , Trupti Teli3 , Prof Suja Jaychandran4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3729-3732

Currently climate change is one of the major problems encountered due to the climatic controls interacting in
various intensities and in different combinations.[7]Agro Supply Chain will be an advisory and information
system for the farmers. Agro Supply Chain will be available on mobile phones, which will be designed for
farmers to help them stay on track, avoid troubles, manage their expenses in cultivation, receive all the latest
and updated information, government schemes and strategies related to the field of agriculture along with
suppliers details for sugarcane. The advisory system will enable its users to receive real-time and interactive
advices and alerts on crop. Different alerts will be provided for plantation, insects, diseases and nutrition.
Farmers will also receive regular pest, disease alerts and market price information to support on-farm decision

Studies were conducted to study the growth and yield of graminacious forages; Anjan Grass, Setaria
Grass, Para Grass, and Rhodes grass irrigated with distillery spentwash of different concentration. The
spentwash in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 was used and analysed for their plant nutrients such as
Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and other physical and chemical characteristics. Experimental soil
was tested for its chemical and physical parameters. Anjan Grass, Setaria Grass, Para Grass and
Rhodes Grass rooted slips(3inch) were sowed in different pots and irrigated with raw water(RW) along
with spentwash in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3. The studies of the growth and yield were studied. It was
found that the growth and yield was very good in 1:3 spentwash irrigation compared to 1:1 spentwash,
1:2 spentwash and raw water irrigation for all the plants. Hence, Spentwash can be expediently used as
a medium for irrigation in specific dilution without harming the atmosphere, water and soil.

Gesture and Voice Based PC Control Using Real Time Camera

Aliasgar Lokhandwala1 , Anurag Tiwari2 , Rupesh Patil3 , Sandeep Kamble4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3738-3741

Human Computer Interaction with hand gesture has become increasingly popular today. The physical mouse
device whether it is our basic desktop mouse or laptop touch pad, it require physical contact of user to convey
input. Many advanced technologies have came but they all require physical contact. Hence we need a
ubiquitous interface to do this. Our method is to use a camera device and computer gesture and voice based
technology, like image segmentation as well as gesture recognition, to control mouse actions such as left click,
double click, right click and dragging. We can show how it can do the things that present mouse devices can
do. Our project Gesture and Voice Based PC Control is a real time system capable of understanding mouse
commands given by hand gestures and voice commands. The end user is able to communicate with computer
with the commands given by hand gestures and voice commands. This will avoid the need of physical contact to
the computer to control mouse inputs. In this way the interface becomes ubiquitous.

Open Eyes-Reliable and User Friendly Application for Visually Impaired Users

Yogeshwar Nair1 , Narendra Tiwari2 , Gaurav Gondekar3 , Prof, Suvarna Bhat4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3742-3743

This project deals with design and implementation of user interface which makes user friendly environment of
the mobile operation system Android for blind users. Interface enables to perform basic operations with the
system and common used touch gestures. Voice synthesizer, vibration and sound are implemented as a
feedback. Our main goal was to design an Android User Interface application for addressing basic functions
(calls, SMS, contacts, calendar, alarm, music etc.) solely via use of simple multi-gestures approach.

An Experimental Study of Geogrid in Ferrocement Panels

Jaganathan1 , P.Sudharsanamurthy

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3744-3758

The construction industry is seeing a boom as the infrastructure development has increased too many folds.
The existing materials used in construction, pollute the environment as well as leads to global warming. The
needs of innovation in construction to necessitate the future requirements make us to revolutionize the
conventional system. One such conventional system we overviewed is FERROCEMENT CONSTRUCTION.
Definition of ferrocement by ACI Committee 549, 1988
“Ferrocement is a form of reinforced concrete using closely spaced multiple layers of mesh and /or small
diameter rods completely encapsulated in mortar. The most common type of mesh used is steel mesh. Other
materials such as selected organic, natural or synthetic fibers may be combined with metallic mesh.”
It is very well known that one ton of cement produces one ton of CO2. The increase in percentage of CO2
results in global warming and for this reason the manufacture of cement must be minimized. The only
component which can partially replace the cement is flyash. Flyash is one of the residues from thermal power
plant, which when partially replaced with cement can be used as a construction material.The rise in cost of
river sand used as fine aggregate in concrete have increased the cost of construction significantly in the past
few decades. The increase in the cost of river sand is due to dwindling natural resources as well as the
concern to prevent further environmental degradation. These problems have led to the search for alternative
materials for fine aggregates that are eco-friendly besides being inexpensive. The quarry dust, which is
available abundantly from crusher units at a low cost in many areas, provides a viable alternative for river
sand in concrete.
Quarry dust being inexpensive and ecofriendly is been proposed for partially replacing sand.
Steel mesh provided in the ferrocement construction has a serious disadvantage whenever the corrosion
property is concerned. So in order to compensate the strength and durability of ferrocement panels, present
study has been made to replace steel mesh with HDPE – geogrid mesh for different proportions of cement
and flyash and partial replacement of sand with quarry dust. An optimum proportion has been arrived taking
into account the social responsibility to bring out the product that could be economic, efficient and ecofriendly

Natural User Interface a Tool in Physics Learning

Musa Abubakar Bilya1 , Mujahid Hassan Sani

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 03 (2016), 1 March 2016 , Page 3759-3762

In this paper, the natural user interface technology is understood as that which allows people to use their
senses in applications control, thus elucidating how technology works more naturally with the human From
the use of touch screens and voice command technology, the current innovations taking place in the natural
user interface, that which makes the human to computer interaction more possible, to the voice/speech
platform which initiates an automated process or service, the gesture interaction, where gestures
originating from the body usually the hand or face are described. Many approaches were made using
cameras and computer vision algorithms to interpret signs and languages. New inventions are bringing the
possibilities of utilizing technology without the necessity of direct physical interference, elimination of any
action that involves one’s touch of a media or interface, making it possible to relate, have visuals, and even
information advancements in people, with the computers in the forefront of advancement in technology of
the present day world. Thus, this papertakes into consideration the study of the Natural User Interface
(NUI) technology, hoping that in the near future, a well-designed natural user interface will be availed with
computer systems becoming tremendously complicated day by day, and more autonomous.
Keywords: Computer Interaction, algorithm, visualization, Virtual Interaction, Natural User Interface