An Analysis Of Treatment Options For Solid Waste By Characterization And Composition Study-A Case Of Jaipur City
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014),
2 May 2014
Solid waste generation is increasing rapidly due to rapid urbanization, industrialization and population growth. Handling of Solid Waste is one of the major problem which is being faced by all over the world. In most of the developing countries mixed waste is directly disposed, without any treatment, to unscientific open dumping sites that increases environmental pollution and also poses risk to human health, ground water and soil quality. The present study was done on Jaipur city to assess the characteristics and composition of waste that helped in finding suitable treatment option for solid waste of Jaipur city. The results revealed that high moisture content (57.75%.) of combustible part of waste, High amount of biodegradable waste(42.7%)Â and C/N ratio(22) are present in studied sample of solid waste which meets all the criteria required for anaerobic digestion. The amount of biogas that can be generated from anaerobic digestion of solid waste was calculated as 0.1434 m3/Kg. It was found that Jaipur city generates 1383 tones of waste per day which can produce 4.48 MW of electricity on anaerobic digestion.
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