
The Application of Data Mining In Online Bookstore

Anil Vasoya, Ankita Jain, Sarika Patel, Vrunda Desai

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

With the rapid development of Internet technology in recent years, Electronic Commerce has been an inevitable product of the economy, the science and the technology. This paper takes an online bookstore platform as a background, introduces the definition, functions, process and common analytical techniques of data mining. In the end, the experiment on association rules mining from the order data of online bookstore is completed by Improved Apriori algorithm.

Securing Cipher Information using Edge based Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching


International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Abstract: Securing the information from other  persons is always difficult one when we are connected in an open network. In order to send some confidential information we must protect it from the attackers. Cryptography and Steganography plays vital role in securing information from others. Cryptography is the art of secret writing and Steganography is the art of hiding information. When combining these two mechanisms leads to an high security Hence the proposed method will encrypt the data with crypto technique using Blowfish algorithm and then embed the encrypted data into the cover image with stego technique using Edge based Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching (EAPPM) method. With the proposed method in this paper a double layered security for the confidentiality of the information hidden in the stego file is ensured. i.e., even though the attackers able to retrieve the hidden information from the stego file they will get only the encrypted message, which needs more time to crack the encryption scheme. The experimental results show the proposed method is hiding the information in fair manner compared against normal Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching (APPM) method.

Keywords: Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching (APPM), Blowfish, Edge based Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching (EAPPM).

Cyclic voltammetric studies of sulphanilic acid on platinum electrode

M. S. Selvakumar* , Dr. N. Xavier**, Dr. V. Jeyabal*

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Sulphanilic acid (4-amino benzene sulphonic acid) is a commercially very important aromatic compound.   The literature revealed that the chemical and physical properties of sulphanilic acid had been explored much.  In the present study cyclic voltammetric studies of sulphanilic acid is concentrated.   The working electrodes used were platinum and glassy carbon.  To visualize the influence of pH on the anodic oxidation of sulphanilic acid cyclic voltammograms were recorded in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions.   Scan rate variation studies and multiple scan studies were also done.  From these studies it found that sulphanilic acid is susceptible for anodic oxidation and the process is diffusion controlled on platinum electrode and is not forming any polymer on the electrode surface.

Real Time Carpooling System

Mininath R Bendre, Digamber Lakshman Sadaphal, Mukund Rohidas Shinde, Anjali Damodar Bharad

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Real time lots of people commuting from place. eg people going back to the home from company etc. Many people commuting via car, bick etc. But the problem is there is no easy way to how many people a person can tack and co-ordination  is a huge issue that there is no effort by people to help each other by giving lift and more over this saves the environment  in reducing the problem of traffic jams, fuel combustion,also help in controlling pollution, reducing traffic with fewer vehicle etc. carpooling is also seen as a more environment friendly and sustainable way to travel as sharing journeys reduce carbon emission.

Real time carpooling is a android based system. The people having this application on there mobile phone or laftop an easily carpool with unacquainted people without worring about security.this system is used for avoide the drawback of previous application.


WSN: Energy Aware Sensor Node Design

Prajakta Ananda Kharote*, Prof. M. P. Satone

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Wireless sensor network (WSN) have been identified as one of the most important technology for 21st century. But the energy consumption is the major problem for the implementation of wireless sensor network now days. This paper presents the design and software based implementation of an energy aware sensor node which helps to solve above mentioned problem about WSN. The proposed design helps to construct energy efficient WSN. The strategy used in this is useful for sensor node level as well as for network level design. For energy efficient communication, distance between transmitter and receiver is estimated and then required lowest transmission power is calculated at available data rate. After that actual communication takes place. Between two consecutive measurements sensor nodes are set to sleep mode for energy saving purpose under normal operating conditions. It is observed that energy consumption within whole network under different network configurations giving better results. It can give best results by choosing most efficient from one of them is also useful.

Experimental Evaluation of Location attacks in Mobile ad hoc Networks Implementation with Linux based Real time Systems

M.Rajaram Kannammal*, Dr. V. Sumathy**, V. Ramasamy***

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Mobile ad hoc networks will often be deployed in environments where the nodes of the networks are unattended and have little or no physical protection against tampering. The clients of mobile ad hoc networks are so susceptible to compromise. The nets are specially vulnerable to denial of service (DoS) attacks launched through compromised nodes or intruders. In this report, we investigated the effects of location attacks in Network Simulation 2 (NS-2) and measured the packet delivery ratio and packet delay under different Location frequency and different routine of attack modes. Simulation results indicate that with the increase the location, frequency and the number of attack modes, network performance drops. Meanwhile the packet delay firstly increases and then pass up to a value of constancy in the terminal. Simulate in NS-2 Existing statements are primarily focused on finding the malicious node, but they are hardware specific like directional antennas and synchronized clocks. Only the suggested algorithm is both software and hardware specific. An linux based RToS is included to create the ad hoc network a real time application.


Electro chemical comparative studies of ortho, meta and para nitro phenols

M.S. Selva kumar, Dr.N Xavier, Dr. V Jeyabal

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Nitro phenol exists in three isomeric forms namely ortho, meta and para nitro phenols.  Their susceptibility for electrochemical oxidation was studies by cyclic voltammetric method and polarization studies.  Plenty of chemical studies are available in the literature. But a very little work has been done on the electrochemistry of nitro phenols. In the present study electrochemical approach was made to compare ortho, meta and para nitro phenols.  The cyclic voltammograms were recorded using platinum working electrode.   Polarisation studies were also done using platinum working electrode to find out the decomposition potential of the nitrophenols.  From these studies it is found that ortho and para nitro phenols are susceptible for electro oxidation but meta nitrophenol is not susceptible for the same.  

Iris Recognition System for Secure Authentication

Abhijit Kedari, Shashanki Deshmane, Anuradha Gaikwad, Bharti L. Dhote

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Image Processing is a biometric based personal Identification technique in which Impersonation is most dangerous security threat. Different biometric systems are developed on face, voice and Hand geometry recognition with an effective method for automatic recognition of a person’s identity with a high efficiency. The aim of this paper is to provide a platform independent access to Iris recognition using different technologies present today. In this System IRIS recognition of an individual using Hough transform technique to determine radius of iris and pupil and comparing it by using mathematical equivalent ratios which can be implemented in java and compare it with stored image in database to authenticate an individuals.

Design and Static Analysis of Micro Hydro Kaplan Turbine Blade

Karthik Siddalingesh Ajjampur, Arun S. Menasinkai, Chetan C. Kokatnur, Dr.S.N. Kurbet

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Abstract:Vital  efforts   are  needed   all  over  the  world   to develop Micro Hydro Kaplan Turbine used to generate electricity for domestic purpose.Due to increase of electricity tariff in last few years small Hydro Turbine plants become effective.Since the runner of a Micro Turbine plant is quite small, it has to be examined if the hub of the runner provides enough room for proper adaptation mechanism. In this context potential height of 50 feet is assumed on basis of which main characteristics of runner blades are determined.Then,Important data like flow rate and parameters of  runner blades are establised for modeling of turbine and detailed stress analysis is carried out in Ansys software.


Keywords:Turbines,CATIA V5,ANSYS


Performance analysis and comparison of MANET routing protocols under blackhole attack

Yog Kunwar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a Wireless, self-configuring network that consists of many movable mobile nodes. These mobile nodes contact with one another with none infrastructure. Because wireless Ad-hoc networks lack associate degree infrastructure, they're exposed to plenty of attacks. One in all these attacks is the Black Hole attack. In Black Hole attack, a malicious node incorrectly advertises shortest path to the destination node and absorbs all information packets in it instead of forwarding information packet.



International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Emetophobia:   Emetophobia is a condition where an individual fears vomiting or others vomiting.  If you have emetophobia, you may fear vomiting alone or in public equally. You may frequently experience feeling sick but you are probably no more at risk of being sick than most people. Vomiting is associated with an overwhelming fear and panic. Some people fear losing control, becoming very ill or that others find you repulsive.

As a result you try too hard to avoid a wide range of situations and activities that you believe might increase of risk vomiting.

Maintainability Estimation of Component Based Software Development Using Fuzzy AHP

Sengar Dipti

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a popular method for solving multicriteria analysis (MA) problems involving qualitative data. However, this method is often criticized due to its use of an unbalanced scale of judgements and its inability to adequately handle the inherent products enter the maintenance phase due to the growing application of information systems. Software maintenance is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults and improve its overall performance and quality. Easily maintainable software saves large costs and effort involved in developing the uncertainty and imprecision of the pairwise comparison process. A large number of software software. This paper presents a fuzzy  approach for estimating maintainability of CBSD in a simple and straightforward manner. The result shows that the approach developed is simple and comprehensible in concept, efficient in computation, and robust in modeling human evaluation processes which make it of general use for solving practical applications.

Keywords:Analytical Hierarchy Process , Fuzzy logic ,Maintainabilty , quality attributes

Junk Food Survey Report

Kanika Arora, Nidhi Tanwar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Background and Aim: Junk foods are rich in calories, salt and fats. Excess consumption of junk foods would lead rise to wide variety of health disorders. The aim of the present study was to know about junk food eating habits of students, their ingredients, nutritive value and their impact on human health.

Subjects and Methods: Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. Students from Shri Ram College Of Commerce, University Of Delhi were selected for this study as a sample population and the total sample size was represented by 300 students.

Results: The analysis showed that around 28% of students were completely aware about harmful chemicals & 25% of respondents were completely ignorant of harmful chemicals present in junk foods. In the questionnaire almost 76% of students gave their opinion about the junk food as unhealthy. Based on the study, it was found that 27% were taking junk food as an alternative to breakfast, 41% of individuals like junk foods for their taste & 35% for it’s easy availability  & time saving nature & is one of the predominant factor for the choice of junk foods.


Note: our results are based on the assumption that all the respondents have answered the questions honestly.

Analysis of Working Capital Management of TRF Ltd.

Nidhi Tanwar, Kanika Arora

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Working capital management is important part in firm financial management decision. Improper management of Working capital, that is, too much or too low working capital may suffer firms,so an optimum level of working capital is the key to a smooth inflow of profit. Working capital management plays a vital role in the success of businesses because of its effect on profitability and liquidity. The purpose of this study is to examine the  working capital management of TRF limited. The study used secondary data collected from the companys website covering the period from 2009-2013. . The study suggests that managers can create value for their shareholders by using working capital management practices.

Different Facial Expression Recognition And Face Detection Technique

Richa Sharma, Satinder Singh, Nitin K. Pundir

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Face detection is a computer technology that determines the locations and sizes of human faces in arbitrary (digital) images. After detection of face in a picture, it can be compared with the ones present in the database. This paper describes a hybrid approach that uses the fusion of individual techniques used for detection as well as for recognition of human faces.

A Portable Self-Monitoring Fitness System

Yaram Swarna Latha, Sania Anjum, Roopa Shree B.G

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

The aim of the project is to make a real time wearable calorie monitoring system. The devices used in this project are 28 pin Microchip 8 bit microcontroller PIC16F1783, an alphanumeric LCD, keypad with four keys, an accelerometer, a buzzer, a RTC and a heart rate sensor. The system is battery operated. The battery can be charged using a 12Vdc adapter. The inputs to the controller are keys, accelerometer, heart rate sensor, RTC and the outputs to the system are LCD display and a buzzer. The user has to enter his/her current weight  using the keys on the keypad. The parameters will be saved in the RAM of the microcontroller. Then the system will list out the exercises. The user can select the exercise which will be displayed on LCD by using the keys. The heart beat rate sensor will continuously monitor the user’s heart beat and will warn by the glow of green LED if the heart rate is above the normal threshold. If the person's heart rate is in normal range and if he/she is performing the exercise then the red LED flashes.  The accelerometer will sense the amount of movement done by the user. After completing the exercise the system will be displaying the amount of calories burned by the user for the current day and a 'Congratulations' message will be displayed on the LCD. The RTC will give the time and date once it is configured. The RTC configuration should  be done at the initial startup of the system.

Keywords: fitness, portable, physical  activity, chronic disease, movement.

Corporate Governance in India

Kanika Arora

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Corporate Governance in India has seen a paradigm shift and has been posing new set of challenges to the top echelons of management in various organizations includingorganizations from the financial sector. The increasing stringencies and tighter regulatory mechanism have been the compelling reasons for the companies to have stronger focus and orientation on smooth implementation of the corporate governance code in India. The paradigm shift in the manner in which business is conducted across the world in the digital era, warrants a synchronization of the regulatory mechanisms to tackle frauds & to safeguard the interests of various stakeholders. Aclear understanding of the various changing dimensions and perspectives optimally backed by the collective will power of the corporate world as well as the government will ensure the accomplishment of shareholders’ objectives by the various organizations

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Corporate governance code, Audit committee

Execution of Soft Handover in UMTS Using OPNET Simulator

Shivani Achrya, Trilok Gaba

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Mobility is the main advantage of mobile cellular systems. Ability to communicate anywhere, at any time was the great success of wireless communications in 90’s.  Now a day’s, continuous service is achieved by supporting handover from one cell to another. It is regularly initiate either by crossing a cell boundary or by deterioration in quality of the signal in the current channel. Handover is a key concept to achieving mobility. Handover stands for event which is start when user equipment moving to another base station and leave the previous base station. It makes possible for a user to travel from one cell to another, with no interrupt is known as seamless connection. In this paper, execution of soft handover is made using OPNET MODELER.4 user equipment perform handover which is present for a city in “INDIAâ€. Parameter of UMTS handover such as active cell size, cell added to the set and cell removed from the set, ATM throughput (bits/sec) are test out.

A Review: Handover in 3G/UMTS Network

Shivani Achrya, Trilok Gaba

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Mobile communication with new technology is the fastest growing area with regularly increased data rates and coverage areas. Therefore the upcoming challenge is to make the best possible use of the available different types of networks. For connecting mobile heterogeneous networks handover is necessary. In this paper UMTS technology is used to describe the handover from one mobile circle to another. The third generation mobile communication system UMTS is the successor of GSM technology. It supports the seamless handover between cells of one operator and efficient handover between UMTS and 2nd generation. This paper covers the basic architecture of the UMTS network, the different parts and connections between them are also described.  This paper focuses on the different handover types in the third generation mobile system Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) .At the end of the paper the comparison between the different types of handover is also discussed.

Physico-chemical characterization of distillery effluent and COD reduction by using Bacillus badius and Lysinibacillus fusiformis

Jyoti Mehta*, Anoop Yadav*, Neeraj Dilbaghi**, Parveen Sharma*

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Elimination of pollutants from distillery effluent is becoming increasingly important from environmental and aesthetic point of view. Due to large volumes of effluent and presence of certain recalcitrant compounds, the treatment of this stream is rather challenging by conventional method. Therefore, present study characterizes the physico-chemical parameters of distillery effluent. The results of study presents an account of problem such as pH (3.7), colour (black), Electrical Conductivity (15.2  ms/cm), Chemical Oxygen Demand (80500 mg/l) Total solids (22382 mg/l), Suspended Solids (4332 mg/L), Potassium (6080 mg/l), Calcium (1950 mg/l), Chloride (7120 mg/l ), Sulphate (3250 mg/l), Phosphate (472 mg/l), Sodium (490 mg/l). High concentration of these constituents plus Phosphate, sulphate makes discharge of distillery waste water into water bodies causing problems like eutrophication and other adverse environmental effects. Further studies deals with pure culture of bacteria and role of bacteria in process like COD reduction to develop a better understanding of the phenomenon. This study revealed that the highest COD reduction was obtained with bacterial strain (Bacillus badius) at 30°C after 10 days of incubation period day at pH 8.

Depreciation of Rupee

Kanika Arora

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

The Indian currency has depreciated by more than 20 per cent since April 2008 and breached its crucial 50-level against the greenback on sustained dollar purchases by foreign banks and stronger dollar overseas. The fall in the value of Indian rupee has several consequences which could have mixed effects on Indian economy. But, mainly, there are four expected implications of falling rupee. First, it should boost exports; second, it will lead to higher cost of imported goods and make some of the capital intensive projects more expensive to execute; third, it will increase the cost of dollar loans taken by companies and increase the foreign debt and fourth, it will slow-down the overall economic growth by increasing the interest rate and dissuade flow of FIIs. This paper studies the real implications of the depreciation of the rupee on the Indian economy and shows that in the long run, the Indian economy has more to lose and less to gain with weaker rupee.

Comparison of Cardiovascular Efficiency between Students of Physical Education College and General Education College

Dr. Sharda H. Shakya

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

The aim of this, study was to find the cardiovascular efficiency between non sports student and the sports collegiate students . To achieve this collegiate students were taken as, subject from Yashoda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, (Group-1) and Jupiter Sharirik Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur (Group-II). Harvard step testis used to find but the-cardiovascular efficiency. The subjects steps up and down 24 times in a minute, on a bench of 18 inches high, ‘t’-rdtio was computed to find out the significant difference between sports collegiate student and non sports collegiate students, on cardiovascular efficiency. The 't'- ratio obtained from the data on cardiovascular efficiency was compared at 0.05 level.

Keywords : Cardiovascular, efficiency, palpation, physical.

Implementation of Soft Handover in “3G†using OPNET

Amandeep Bhalla, Rumani Bhatia, Anil Dudy

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

— Mobile applications for multimedia services such as video conferencing, file downloading and web browsing etc. over the network have high demands in terms of available network resources and Quality of Service (QoS) performances. The importance of QoS provisioning has become one of the central issues of 3G mobile network design and analysis. Now a day’s, tere is a need to achieve mobility and continuous service is achieved by supporting handover from one cell to another. It is regularly initiate either by crossing a cell boundary or by deterioration in quality of the signal in the current channel. Handover is a key concept to achieving mobility. Handover stands for event which is start when user equipment moving to another base station and leave the previous base station. It makes possible for a user to travel from one cell to another, with no interrupt is known as seamless connection. In this paper, implementation of soft handover is made using OPNET MODELER.5 user equipment perform soft handover in logical network under soft limits of soft handover criteria. The performance of soft handover is test under characteristics of GPRS attach delay, CBR delay (sec), active cell size, cell added to the set and cell removed from the set.

Space Time Adaptive Processing for Clutter Suppression in Radar

Elza Baby, Dr. Prof. Ashish A Bhargave

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is a signal processing technique most commonly used in radar systems where interference is a problem. The radar signal processor is used to remove the unintentional cluttering effects caused by ground reflections and echoes due to sea, desert, forest, etc. and intentional jamming and make the received signal useful. In this paper a new approach to STAP based on subspace projection has been described in detail. According to linear algebra and three dimensional geometry, if we project a range space on to a subspace spanned by linearly independent vectors, we can suppress data which is perpendicular to that subspace. In subspace based technique, the received data is projected on to a subspace which is orthogonal to clutter subspace to remove the clutter. The probability of target detection can be find out in order to analyse the performance of the proposed algorithm. Two existing algorithms, SMI and DPCA are chosen to do the comparison. while plotting the detection Probability against SINR , the  results obtained are better for subspace technique than DPCA and SMI. We got the SINR improved for subspace based technique for same detection probability. The effect of subspace rank on SINR was also analysed for understanding the computational load caused by the technique. We also analysed the convergence of the algorithm by taking plots of SINR against range snapshots.

An Analysis Of Treatment Options For Solid Waste By Characterization And Composition Study-A Case Of Jaipur City

Abhishek Jain, Mukesh Kumar Singhal

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Solid waste generation is increasing rapidly due to rapid urbanization, industrialization and population growth. Handling of Solid Waste is one of the major problem which is being faced by all over the world. In most of the developing countries mixed waste is directly disposed, without any treatment, to unscientific open dumping sites that increases environmental pollution and also poses risk to human health, ground water and soil quality. The present study was done on Jaipur city to assess the characteristics and composition of waste that helped in finding suitable treatment option for solid waste of Jaipur city. The results revealed that high moisture content (57.75%.) of combustible part of waste, High amount of biodegradable waste(42.7%)  and C/N ratio(22) are present in studied sample of solid waste which meets all the criteria required for anaerobic digestion. The amount of biogas that can be generated from anaerobic digestion of solid waste was calculated as 0.1434 m3/Kg. It was found that Jaipur city generates 1383 tones of waste per day which can produce 4.48 MW of electricity on anaerobic digestion.

A Survey On Different Topologies ,Switching Techniques And Routing Algorithms For A Network On Chip

Neetu Soni, Khemraj Deshmukh

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Network on Chip (NoC) is a new paradigm for making interconnections within System on Chip (SoC) system. With the increasing chip integration and  decreasing feature size  the SoC does not meet the challenges of the new process technologies .The challenges include  complexity and  increased delay in communication and also the bus contention and arbitration  slows down the data movement which degrades the overall performance of Soc. Noc is a design platform that can meet these challenges to a great extend. In the network design of the NoC the most essential things are a network topology and a routing algorithm. Routers route the packets based on the algorithm that they use. In this paper a study of  the different routing algorithms for network on chip is presented that can cope up with above mentioned problems arising in SoC. The routing algorithm of a given NoC system is measured with respect to  performance metrics such as latency, throughput and load distribution. Here we are about to deal with the different topologies ,switching techniques ,performance analysis of NoC  routing algorithms  such as XY routing algorithm, OE routing algorithm and DyAD routing algorithm .

keywords- NoC , Routers, routing algorithms,  latency, throughput, XY ,OE , DyAD

Design and Implementation of 4-bit Pipeline ADC using 0.09µm CMOS Technology

Mr.Vishwanath Lakkannavar, Mr. Kalmeshwar N. Hosur

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

This paper focuses on design and implementation of 1.1V, 4-bit Pipeline Analog to Digital Converter [ADC]. The ADC consists of sample and hold, latched comparator and summing circuit and amplifier of gain 2. The ADC has been designed and simulated in standard gpdk90ηm CMOS technology library using Cadence tool.

Keywords: ADC, CMOS, gpdk90ηm.

Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Based Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using FPGA

Shiny Arpudha J, M.Ragulkumar* R.Govindarajulu**

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

the proposed project reveals the FPGA based Sensor-less speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) by using adaptive fuzzy logic technique. The FPGA scheme integrates Fuzzy logic control technique and space vector pulse width modulation principle to control the rotor position angle and motor speed. The Back-EMF based Sensor-less algorithm combined with vector control strategy implemented to estimate rotor position and speed. This control algorithm based on estimation of rotor position and speed with respect to Back-EMF without sensor. To achieve a high performance fuzzy logic control Permanent magnet synchronous motors drive is employed. The simulation for speed control of PMSM by using fuzzy logic controller is developed using Xilinix ISE 9.1.

Content Addressable Memory with Efficient Power Consumption and Throughput

Karthik.M* R.R.Jegan** Dr.G.K.D.Prasanna Venkatesan***

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Content-addressable memory (CAM) is a hardware table that can search and Store data.CAM is actually considerable Power Consumption and parallel comparison feature where a large amount of transistor are active on each lookup. Thus, robust speed and low-power sense amplifiers are highly sought-after in CAM designs. In this paper, we introduce a modified parity bit matching that leads to delay reduction and power overhead.  The modified design minimizes the searching time by matching the store bit from most significant bit instead of matching all the data's present in the row. Furthermore, we propose an effective gated power techniques to decrease the peak and average power consumption and enhance robustness of the design against the process variation.


Handwriting Recognition System – A Survey

Pooja Yadav, Ms. Neha Popli

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Handwriting Recognition System has been studied in the last few decades. Many approaches are presented to recognize the hand written documents or paper. These approaches focus on how we recognize our hand written words and lining documents. Today there is no. of application area of handwriting recognition system. So an overview of hand writing recognition system and their evolution is presented by available technique with their superiorities and limitations are reviewed. So current status of handwriting recognition is focusing on off-line and online handwriting recognition system. This overview represent as an update for the state of art in the hand writing recognition field.

Keywords – Handwriting recognition, offline and online handwriting recognition, segmentation, feature extraction and training.

A Survey on Acknowledgement Based Detection Schemes for Detecting Selfish Nodes in MANETs

Geetha D N*, Roopa Banakar**

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014), 2 May 2014

Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are very popular because of their widespread usage. In MANET, each node has to co-operate with each other to perform functions in the network. However some nodes do not participate in routing and forwarding packets which are not destined to them, in order to save their energy. Such misbehaving nodes which try to get benefitted from other nodes but refusing to forward other nodes packets can severely degrade the performance of the whole network. In MANETs, detection of such misbehaving nodes is very important. In this survey, a detailed study of misbehaving nodes, their characteristics and their effects in various layers of the network are discussed. Moreover, various detection schemes which deal with misbehaving nodes are also considered in the discussion. This paper discusses the different acknowledgement schemes for misbehaving node detection in MANETs.Â