Using of Inclusive Education to Enhance the Teaching of Chemistry to the Visually Impaired Students in Secondary Schools
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 05 (2017),
1 May 2017
Page 5148-5156
This study focused on the use of inclusive education to enhance the teaching of chemistry to the visually
impaired students in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the
study. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection while mean and standard deviation were
the statistical tools used in the data analysis. The results of the data analysis revealed that visually
impaired students are excluded from the study of chemistry, because it deals with physical and dangerous
chemicals and it is also practical oriented. Based on the findings, the researcher made the following
recommendations; chemistry teacher and the government should provide good and enabling environment
for inclusive education, the science (chemistry) teachers should ensure the use of better classroom strategy
which would give every learner equal opportunity to learn and practice what he/she has learnt in
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