Removal of Impulse Noise in Image Using Reduced Simple Edge Preserving Denoising Technique
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 05 (2017),
1 May 2017
Page 5176-5179
Images and videos are mostly depraved by salt and pepper noise during the process of signal accession and
transmission. Removal of noise is one of the most important issue in image analysis and processing. Even
though while removing the noise, we need to preserve the edges. Edge-preserving smoothing smooth away
textures and retain the sharp edges. Our proposed work concentrates on an efficient Reduced Simple Edge
Preserve De-noising Technique (RSEPD) implementation for removing impulse noise. The space needed for
RSEPD is two line buffers rather than a full frame buffer. An efficient de-noising technique is one of the
important method for image processing applications. Image de-noising methods have been proposed to
carry out the impulse noise suppression. Some of them employ the standard wiener filter or its modifications
to implement de-noising process. However these technique might mist the image because both noisy and
noise free pixels are modified. Our extensive experimental results show that the proposed work preserves
the edge features and obtains excellent performances.
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