Hybrid Power Generation by Using Solar and Wind Energy Hybrid Power Generation Applicable To Future Electric Vehicle
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 11 (2017),
1 November 2017
Page 6285-6294
The objective of this concept is to generate electric power from windmill and solar panel and
synchronizing with EB power supply. Nowadays power demand is increased highly so need the alternate
power source it is very useful to generate the electrical power from natural resources in order to
compensate the electric power demand. The hybrid power generation is a new innovative concept which
have designed in this project. It is one of the non conventional energy; here generating the power supply
from the natural resources and also during un availability of natural resources the EB power supply is used
for the load and excessive generation of solar, wind mill supply is exported to the grid of the EB supply at
any voltage level. This project is designed with the following parts are wind mill arrangement, solar panel,
dynamo, rectifier, filter andbattery and connected to the Electricity Board supply.
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