Adoption and Intensification Factors of Rice in Rwanda: A Case of Kirehe District
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 5 No. 03 (2018),
1 March 2018
Page 6550-6562
Ministry of Agriculture and animal resources (MINAGRI) has revamped and rendered several marshlands
to farmers for rice cultivation, through a number of high profile agricultural development projects,
throughout Rwanda. Kirehe District counts among areas that have been included in this momentum. This
study sought to inquire into factors underlying the adoption and intensification rice in Kirehe District. The
main objective of this research was to explore the factors that led to the adoption and intensification of rice
in Kirehe District. The study was designed as a descriptive cross-sectional investigation and used a sample
of 492 respondents, selected through purposive sampling procedure. Data collection used observation,
questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis used descriptive statistics and Factor analysis for quantitative
data and content analysis for qualitative data. The Principle Component Analysis methodology has been
used as Factor analysis. Findings of the study revealed that three factors underlying rice adoption in
Kirehe are shift from poor produce, cash insecurity; the quest of intensive farming employment and
marshlands exploitation opportunities. Also CPA revealed factors underlying rice intensification in Kirehe
District: chemical inputs access to credit; seeds varieties; size of land. The study also observed effects of
rice adoption and intensification including infrastructure development, access to social services and
improved living standards. Research findings helped conclude that the set of three factors regarding rice
farming adoption can be applied elsewhere in Rwanda to exploit local opportunities. They helped conclude
again that the set of four factors fostering rice intensification: labor, land, seeds, and chemical inputs can
be applied elsewhere in Rwanda to boost local intensification.
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