A Review Paper on Geopolymer Concrete Using Hollow Core Slab
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 5 No. 03 (2018),
1 March 2018
Page 6573-6576
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is the basic ingredient in concrete and concretes are most widely used
construction material in the world. The global need of cement and concrete for construction is rapidly
increasing. The production of OPC consumes huge quantity of energy and products consumption and also
exhaust high quantity of carbon di-oxide CO2 to the atmosphere. These are affecting the environment
sustainable development. In civil engineering construction industries need to develop and concern about
the environment to minimize the effects of green-house gases in the atmosphere. A review summary of this
study to know about the eco friendly concrete namely as geopolymer concrete and its behaviors in RC
structures like slabs, beams and columns etc. The presents of inorganic alumino-silicate polymer gel are
synthesised from the source materials rich in silicon and aluminium in geopolymer concretes. And also the
rich materials like low calcium (class F) fly ash, which binds with the loose aggregates and except other
un-reacted materials in rich sources are produced from geo-polymer mix. Geoploymers are one of the
excellent and economic alternative construction materials in concrete. While making of this geopolymer
concretes the ordinary Portland cement was will not use. At the end this review paper briefly describes
from past literature reviews and research about the constituents of geopolymer concrete, performance of
geoplymer concrete ,structural strength of concrete and their potential applications. The experimental
results and conclusions to demonstrate the excellent potential of geopolymer concrete to be a alternative
material of constructions for the future.
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