Biodiesel: A Most Feasible Option Produced from Microalgae over PetroDiesel
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 5 No. 06 (2018),
1 June 2018
Page 6631-6636
Due to continuous use of present source (fossil fuel) mainly cause the pollution to the environment and also
negative effect on availability of the oil reservoirs necessitates developing renewable fuels to replace
petroleum-based fuels. Investigation of feasibility of biodiesel produced from microalgae. One of the main
challenges in algal oil is the poor quality that is efficiency of the biodiesel, which is mainly, depends upon
the fatty acid in algal-oil. Algal biodiesel having property for efficiency, which is produced from biomass of
microalgae to produce lipids, which is key factor for production of biodiesel in large amounts and within
short periods of time with zero net carbon dioxide (CO2) emission.
Indeed, Algal biodiesel can be considered as a potential source of renewable energy with no limitation like
hydro or nuclear power relies on their sources.
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