An approach to prepare lexicons of Assamese text for unit selection concatenation TTS
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 08 (2017),
1 August 2017
Page 5631-5637
Text To Speech synthesizer plays a very important role in modern day Information Technology.
Communication technology can be enhanced by speech technology to a greater extent. There are a number
of steps in natural language processing phase of a Text to speech synthesizer. In this paper the approach to
make a TTS for Indian language is shown by taking Assamese as an example. First explanation is how to get
lexicons of the language then an idea of using DONLabel tool is shown. To build a speech synthesizer for
any language, researcher should acquire adequate knowledge about the phonetic and acoustic characteristic
of that language. In this research paper important features of Indian languages, the proposed block diagram
for synthesis process, preparation of lexicons from the written text for Assamese language is explained
with snapshots.
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