Energy Efficiency Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Adhoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol over Manet
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 08 (2017),
1 August 2017
Page 5703-5713
Mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) is a collaboration of portable nodes as well as some computing
devices which can be placed arbitrarily anywhere in the network to perform a particular task such as data
transmission and message passing for various applications. The nodes can transmit data in a particular
range and the nodes are capable of changing their location frequently. In previous research, the energy
consumption is main issue and hence the overall routing performance is reduced significantly. To
overcome the abovementioned issue, in this research, Particle Swarm Optimization-Adhoc On Demand
Distance Vector (PSO-AODV) routing protocol is proposed. In this research, the Cluster Head (CH) is
selected using PSO algorithm based on the best objective function values. The CH node has capability of
rapid packet delivery ratio and better lower energy consumption. The PSO algorithm is used to select the
optimal node and increases effective routing procedure. The routing process is done by using AODV
protocol in this research. This is used to provide efficient path discovery and provides fast packet
transmission and response. Thus the proposed PSO-AODV scheme provides superior performance rather
than the existing approaches. The result concludes that the proposed PSO-AODV approach has lower
energy consumption, lower end to end delay, higher packet delivery ratio and higher network lifetime
than the existing approaches.
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