Studies of Rock Bed Solar Thermal Storage System for Space Heating Applications
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016),
1 November 2016
Page 4764-4770
We know that demand of energy storage system is increasing day by day. This experiment deals with the
storage of thermal energy with rock bed storage system. Radiator and rock bed storage system both act as
heat exchanger in this experiment.100 watt of rock bed storage system is taken and its heat power lies
between110 watt 125 watt. Tullu pump, radiator, fan all are used in discharging of heat energy with rock bed
storage system. In this experiment energy is stored in day and provides back energy and is used in night.
This experiment also describes how to store heat energy by the help of rock bed storage system and calculate
heat power of rock bed in both case with fan and without fan. There are two working cycle used in this
experiment 1st cycle deals with charging process and 2nd cycle deals with discharging process. Now a days
this experiment is applied as space heating application. Rock bed storage system, solar water heater using
in1st step and 2nd step radiator, Tullu pump, fan, solar panel all are deals with rock bed storage system during
discharging process. The main purpose of this experiment is to provide backup energy storage system at night
with rock bed storage system.
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