
eliability Assassment of Selected Fossil Fuel Operated Power Stations in Nigeria

Etebu, O. M. O., Kamalu, U. A. and *Agara, M. P

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4716-4735

As the gap between supply and demand on electric energy widens in Nigeria, it becomes necessary to assess the
performance of fossil fueled generator turbine that dominates the electric power industry. Consequently, this
study is to evaluate the historical performance data of four selected powerstations within Nigeria from 2002 to
2014, so as to ascertain if they are supplying electric energy within their installed capacities in line with global
best practices. The combined installed capacity of these four selected power plant is 35% of the twenty-one
thermal power plants connected to the national power grid. A historical operational data of these selected
plants covering a period of thirteen years was obtained and analysed based on power plant performance
indices analytical techniques. Results obtained from these analysis shows that, the equivalent availability
factor which is accepted as the relative index of equipment reliability in this study, for Afam I-V, Afam VI, Delta
and Egbin are 21.89%, 76.15%, 39.14% and 71.75% respectively. The analysis also reveals the Afam VI and
Egbin power stations have an effective preventive maintenance programmes that promotes availability of their
generatorswhereas, Afam I-V and Delta power stations werealways overwhelmed withcorrective maintenance

Optimization of Biodiesel (MOME) Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM

Vinitkumar Dilipkumar Dube, Ajay Abhimmanyu Mishra

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4736-4741

Today about 80% of world energy requirement is provided by petroleum products. Its, extensive utilization
has led to climate change, environmental pollution, and health problems. To reduce these effects, it is
necessary to enhance the use of renewable energy sources. Among many renewable energy sources biodiesel
is one such alternate. Biodiesel is produced by reacting oil (mahua oil) with alcohol in present of base
catalyst such as (NaOH, KOH) by a process known as trans-esterification. For the optimization of biodiesel
production, various parameters have to be considered such as oil/alcohol ratio, temperature, reaction time,
catalyst, nature of catalyst (homogeneous, heterogeneous), and type of process (single, two step process).
This can be achieved with experience and research in the corresponding field but these things require
enamors time. There is a method based on statistics and mathematics which can optimize the process
parameters in very short time, called RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY (RSM). The optimum
condition for the biodiesel production using RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY (RSM) is 92.7 ml
mahua oil with 1:12 methanol/oil molar ratio, 0.4wt of catalyst and 10 minute reaction time in an oscillatory
baffled reactor (OBR).

A Framework for Medical Assistance using Internet of Things Architecture

Akurathi Hema Latha, Ammi Reddy Pulagam,

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4742-4746

Remote monitoring of patient is one of the important areas of research in the medical field. With the
advancements in the field of sensors and semiconductors it is possible to monitor a patient and provide him
medication. The network of sensors, actuators and other communication devices is called Internet of Things
(IoT). This technology has revolutionized the health care industry by providing connected health technologies.
With the devices connected, we can have a faster data transfer and easy access to the data. This paper
proposes a framework for medical assistance using Internet of Things. This IoT based system collects vital
parameters from the patient and stores this information in a server which can then be accessed by the doctor to
provide medicines. Parameters such as temperature, humidity, heart rate, and blood pressure are gathered and
posted into the cloud. ESP8266 Wi-Fi module has been used as a communication device. The results show that
the system developed is working in par with the conventional monitoring systems.

Security Issues in Cloud Computing

Sreejit Dutta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4747-4752

Sharing of resources like processing, data, services etc. through a web based delivery system constitutes the
concept of a cloud based computing normally. The supplier presents all its resources via the web which may
be accessed by the buyer on multiple devices and platforms on-demand. These will be simply provisioned as
per demand with very little or no effort. Examples of cloud computing resources are Google Maps by
Google, Amazon Web Services by Amazon and so on. Over the past few years, there has been an exponential
growth within the field of cloud computing because the need for services on-the-go for mobile platforms has
seen a speedy increase in demand. This successively has spurred the requirement for multiplied security
measures for cloud computing. Security is the primary issue for cloud as well as other internet services. The
primary reason preventative of a complete adoption of cloud computing is in truth the various security
problems it comes with, despite however useful it's going to be. A number of these problems like knowledge
breach, hacking, malware, DoS attacks are fairly acquainted and almost like the protection issues of a
familiarweb services and systems. Whereas threats like abusing cloud services, APT parasites etc are
specific to cloud computing. The end-user of cloud services can perpetually be troubled by the protection,
vulnerabilities and convenience of their knowledge on cloud servers. The principal objective of this paper is
to debate such threats and vulnerabilities in cloud computing. This study will modify customers, vendors as
well as fellow researchers to have an insight regarding key issues associated with cloud security

Emerging Risk evaluation of Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli on Public Health

Mesfin Angaw Tesfay

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4753-4759

Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) include serotypes E. coli O157: H7 and some other serogroups.
Current epidemiological studies indicate that strains of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) belonging
to serotype O157:H7 are most commonly associated with severe human diseases. The ability of EHEC to
colonize human and animal intestinal mucosa and to cause disease is associated with a number of virulence
factors, including expression of Shiga toxins (Stx) and the capacity to induce attaching/effacing (A/E) lesions.
Other virulence factors carried by mobile genetic elements like pathogenicity island (PAI) and plasmids have
been recently described. EHEC are zoonotic pathogens. They rarely cause disease in animals, and ruminants
are recognized as their main natural reservoir. Cattle are the most important source of human infections with
EHEC O157:H7. The organism has also been reported in sheep and goats. The epidemiology of EHEC
infections has remarkably changed and an increasing numbers of unusual food vehicles have been associated
with human infections. New routes of transmission have emerged, like contact with animals during farm visits
and a wide variety of environment-related exposures. As for other zoonotic agents, having animals and raw
products that are free from EHEC is not possible in practice. However, their occurrence can be minimised by
applying high standards of hygiene in all the steps of the food production chain.

Empowering Students Success through Collaborative Learning

C. Jeba Evangeline

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4760-4763

Collaborative learning is when a group of students works together towards a common goal, usually to help
one another learn academic material. The effects of collaborative learning on student achievement are
debated The effectiveness of collaborative learning in the classroom has as much to do with the teacher as it
does with the students in the groups. There is an ongoing discussion surrounding the effectiveness of group
work in the classroom and its effects on student learning. Collaborative learning covers a broad territory of
approaches with wide variability in the amount of in-class or out-of-class time built around group work. The
teacher is the one that must not only teach them a subject, but also the different methods of learning. The
positive effects of collaborative learning are evident and there is little question that collaborative learning
can be a useful tool and should be utilized in the learning environment.

Studies of Rock Bed Solar Thermal Storage System for Space Heating Applications

Abhishek Kumar1 , Dr Dharam Buddhi2 , Shravan Kumar Yadav3* , S.B. K. Reddy4

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4764-4770

We know that demand of energy storage system is increasing day by day. This experiment deals with the
storage of thermal energy with rock bed storage system. Radiator and rock bed storage system both act as
heat exchanger in this experiment.100 watt of rock bed storage system is taken and its heat power lies
between110 watt 125 watt. Tullu pump, radiator, fan all are used in discharging of heat energy with rock bed
storage system. In this experiment energy is stored in day and provides back energy and is used in night.
This experiment also describes how to store heat energy by the help of rock bed storage system and calculate
heat power of rock bed in both case with fan and without fan. There are two working cycle used in this
experiment 1st cycle deals with charging process and 2nd cycle deals with discharging process. Now a days
this experiment is applied as space heating application. Rock bed storage system, solar water heater using
in1st step and 2nd step radiator, Tullu pump, fan, solar panel all are deals with rock bed storage system during
discharging process. The main purpose of this experiment is to provide backup energy storage system at night
with rock bed storage system.

A Comparison between Various Software Cost Estimation Models

Sanjali Gupta, Sarthak Tiwari, Himanshu Singh, Ayush Shukla, Himanshi Raghuvanshi

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4771-4776

Effective cost estimation is one of the most important and complex tasks in development of any software project.
The stakeholders require a simple and effective model to enable them to make an efficient estimate of the
software development cost. Estimation, basically, means to predict the value and predictions tend to go wrong.
The whole process requires a huge amount of data, which is often challenging to collect, hence, making the
whole process challenging. In this paper, we try to illustrate various existing cost estimation models proposed
over the years and finally present a comparison between them. The paper also tries to pinpoint the various
reasons for errors in cost estimation.

Relation Ship between Classes of Univalent Functions

Dr M.Aparna

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4777-4783

In this paper we investigated the relationship between f and

 g(z)  g (z)  z( f (z)/z) , We find sufficient
conditions on f for g to be in
( ( , )) *
S  p q , ( ( , )) *
S1  p q
or K. The sufficient conditions found by Reade
Silverman, and Todorov.

Blended and Flipped: Exploring New Models for Effective Teaching and Learning

Dr A. Jeyantha Mary

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4784-4787

The rapid growth in the use of learning technologies, particularly the use of the web based technologies and
communications have offered educators with many more opportunities to investigate the most suitable
learning environments for their students’ learning. The purpose of the present study was to effective
teaching and learning and their views on blended and flipped learning. At the heart of both blended
learning and flipped learning is a learner-centered curriculum that changes the traditional roles of
instructor and student. In the article, Flipped classrooms replace passive lecturing with active studentcentered learning that enhances critical thinking and application, including information retention. The
blended learning option will become a sensible step on the path toward cutting delivery costs, while making
graduate education available to increasingly debt-averse students.

Upshot of Demonetization in India

Kiruthiga.V1 , Magesh.R

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4788-4790

India is a country with cash economy. Most of the people have savings of Rs.500 in home to cope up with daily
needs and to tackle some emergency situations. On November 8th 2016, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi
declared the invalidation of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes as a measure to curb fake currency circulation, black
money and corruption. People were asked to deposit their old notes in banks and get new Rs.500 and Rs.2000
notes. People are struggling to get money in smaller denomination, as none of the shopkeepers neither have
change nor give change

Time Efficient Structure for DFT Filter Bank

Supriya.P.Sarvade, Dr Shridhar.K, Varun.P.Sarvade

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016), 1 November 2016 , Page 4791-479

Conventional filter bank based spectrum sensing methods employ uniform Discrete Fourier Transform Filter
Bank (DFTFB). But the complexity with this is very high and the structure is inefficient since it remains idle
for most of the time. This paper proposes a time efficient DFTFB employing Polyphase decomposition for each
of filters in the DFT filter bank. Proposed structure also provides a tight control over per-channel frequency
response which is critical for many of applications to achieve the specified level of performance.
Keywords—DFT filter bank, polyphase, DFTFB, DFT, polyphase filter bank