Blended and Flipped: Exploring New Models for Effective Teaching and Learning
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 3 No. 11 (2016),
1 November 2016
Page 4784-4787
The rapid growth in the use of learning technologies, particularly the use of the web based technologies and
communications have offered educators with many more opportunities to investigate the most suitable
learning environments for their students’ learning. The purpose of the present study was to effective
teaching and learning and their views on blended and flipped learning. At the heart of both blended
learning and flipped learning is a learner-centered curriculum that changes the traditional roles of
instructor and student. In the article, Flipped classrooms replace passive lecturing with active studentcentered learning that enhances critical thinking and application, including information retention. The
blended learning option will become a sensible step on the path toward cutting delivery costs, while making
graduate education available to increasingly debt-averse students.
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