Real Time Carpooling System
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014),
2 May 2014
Real time lots of people commuting from place. eg people going back to the home from company etc. Many people commuting via car, bick etc. But the problem is there is no easy way to how many people a person can tack and co-ordination is a huge issue that there is no effort by people to help each other by giving lift and more over this saves the environment in reducing the problem of traffic jams, fuel combustion,also help in controlling pollution, reducing traffic with fewer vehicle etc. carpooling is also seen as a more environment friendly and sustainable way to travel as sharing journeys reduce carbon emission.
Real time carpooling is a android based system. The people having this application on there mobile phone or laftop an easily carpool with unacquainted people without worring about security.this system is used for avoide the drawback of previous application.
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