WSN: Energy Aware Sensor Node Design
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 1 No. 03 (2014),
2 May 2014
Wireless sensor network (WSN) have been identified as one of the most important technology for 21st century. But the energy consumption is the major problem for the implementation of wireless sensor network now days. This paper presents the design and software based implementation of an energy aware sensor node which helps to solve above mentioned problem about WSN. The proposed design helps to construct energy efficient WSN. The strategy used in this is useful for sensor node level as well as for network level design. For energy efficient communication, distance between transmitter and receiver is estimated and then required lowest transmission power is calculated at available data rate. After that actual communication takes place. Between two consecutive measurements sensor nodes are set to sleep mode for energy saving purpose under normal operating conditions. It is observed that energy consumption within whole network under different network configurations giving better results. It can give best results by choosing most efficient from one of them is also useful.How to Cite
Prof. M. P. Satone, P. A. K. (2014). WSN: Energy Aware Sensor Node Design. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(03). Retrieved from
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[12] A. Kadrolkar, R. Gao, and R. Yan, “Energy efficient data transmission for manufacturing system health monitoring,†in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. FrontiersDes. Manuf., Changsha, China, Jul. 2010, pp. 65–70.
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[18] R. Gao, A. Deshmukh, R. Yan, and Z. Fan, “Energy efficient wireless sensor network for dynamic system monitoring,†in Proc. SPIE, 2005, vol. 5999, no. 4, pp. 1–10.
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[23] A. Wang and A. Chandrakasan, “Energy-efficient DSPs for wireless sensor networks,†IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 68–78, Jul. 2002.
[24] A. Chehri, P. Fortier, and M. Tardif, “UWB-based sensor networks for localization in mining environments,†Ad Hoc Netw., vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 987–1000, Jul. 2009.
[25] G. Nan, G. Shi, Z. Mao, and M. Li, “CDSWS: Coverage-guaranteed distributed sleep/wake scheduling for wireless sensor networks,†EURASIP J. Wireless Commun. Netw., vol. 44, pp. 762–776, Feb. 2012.
[26] R. Yan, H. Sun, and Y. Qian, “Energy-aware sensor node design with its application in wireless sensor networks,†IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, vol. 62, no. 5, may 2013.
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