Analyzing Vernacular Sustainable Design Principles- A Case Study of a Vernacular Dwelling in Godavari Region of Andhra Pradesh, India
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,
Vol. 4 No. 03 (2017),
1 March 2017
Page 5010-5017
Hundreds of years of experience, self-learning and traditional wisdom has led to the development of
contextual based traditional architecture. Vernacular style of architecture developed using locally available
material, so as to achieve the better living conditions which suits to the context. Use of local traditional
design and construction techniques had eventually helped in building of social and cultural background in
various regions of the country. Sensitivity in design as per the specific microclimatic aspects has been
practiced since ages in the country. The main objective of this paper is to understand the design principles
and strategies followed by the vernacular style of architecture which are energy efficient and climate
responsive. Design principles such as form, proportion, spatial design aspects, construction materials etc..,
have been documented and analyzed for a specific case example of an existing traditional building in Pippara
village of West-Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Besides thermal performance, lighting analysis
have been performed through IES-VE Analysis. This paper also sheds light on the transformation of
courtyard spatial configuration as per the changing needs of users; this investigation is an attempt to
demonstrate the adoption of good practices in transformation of traditional spatial design aspects of the
dwelling. Simulation results has shown that the current case study has improved thermal performance upto
30% after the courtyard transformation, whereas natural lighting levels has drastically reduced upto 79%
within the indoor sapces.
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