
Load Flow Analysis on 400 KV Sub-Station- A Case Study

Takshak V Rabari , Viral R Avalani , Kishan V Dave , Nimish R Suchak

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 12 (2015), 1 December 2015 , Page 3370-3375

The paper attempts to a basic concept for a Load flow analysis with a sense of the optimal load flow
analysis The objective of an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is to find steady state operation point which
minimize generation cost, loss etc. or maximize social welfare, load ability etc. while maintaining an
acceptable system performance or limits on generators active and reactive powers, line flow limits, etc. The
paper contains a overview of the session followed by summaries. Load flow analysis software package
develops by the author use MI-POWER. To demonstrate its use, a simple 19-bus system was selected as a
example of 400kV SOJA substation. The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive survey of
various optimization methods to solve load flow and optimal load flow problems

Design and Implementation of a Modular Multilevel Inverter with FACTS Capability for Wind and PV systems

Durga R CH Nookesh , M Vamsi Sri

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 12 (2015), 1 December 2015 , Page 3376-3386

In this paper, a new three-phase inverter with flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) capability is
presented. The proposed inverter is placed between the PV cell and the grid, same as a regular inverter,
and is able to regulate active and reactive power transferred to the grid. This inverter is equipped with
distribution static synchronous compensators option in order to control the power factor (PF) of the local
feeder lines. Using the proposed inverter for small-to-medium-size wind applications will eliminate the use
of capacitor banks as well as FACTS devices to control the PF of the distribution lines. The goal of this
paper is to introduce new ways to increase the penetration of renewable energy systems into the distribution
systems. This will encourage the utilities and customers to act not only as a consumer, but also as a supplier
of energy. Moreover, using the new types of converters with FACTS capabilities will significantly reduce the
total cost of the renewable energy application. In this paper, modular multilevel converter is used as the
desired topology to meet all the requirements of a three-phase system such as compatibility with IEEE
standards, total harmonic distortion (THD), efficiency, and total cost of the system. The proposed control
strategy regulates the active and reactive power using power angle and modulation index, respectively. The
function of the proposed inverter is to transfer active power to the grid as well as keeping the PF of the
local power lines constant at a target PF regardless of the incoming active power from the wind turbine.
The simulations for an 11-level inverter have been done in MATLAB/Simulink. To validate the simulation
results, a scaled prototype model of the proposed inverter has been built and tested

Contours & Conflation Globalized Science & Religion: Research Study

Dr Rojukurthi Sudhakar Rao

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 12 (2015), 1 December 2015 , Page 3387-3400

From multiple perspectives, tools of importance like contours and conflation are singled out to take a
survey and to conduct this research study assimilating the formidable impact due to the globalised Science
& Religion in present times. The analytical keenness required to swim through the troubled waters of
chosen Research Study on Science & Religion in order to be able to establish global reality with facts of the
controversies in support and against the theme of this Paper is at its best fit to impress upon the hungry
minds. The entire Paper from the start to the finish is like a different story untold till now in researchcoaching-technique making use of the tools of contours and conflation which both are intra and inter
related in application to Science and Religion complicatedness.

Geospatial Assesment of Trends and Patterns of Terrorism in Nigeria from 2010 To 2015

Idhoko K.E, Ajani I D, Awurum V, Ernest B I, Tajudeen A W

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 12 (2015), 1 December 2015 , Page 3401-3409

Terrorism in Nigeria has cost the loss of lives of thousands of Nigerian Citizens in the last five years. The
war on terrorism have resulted in the loss of lives of innocent citizens as well as military personnels, not to
mention the death of the terrorist perpetrating the evil acts, through suicide bombings and planned attacks.
These loss of lives could have been prevented or reduced, if the necessary measures, infrastructures and
policies were put in place. It is to this effect that this paper examines the potential advantages of adopting
geoinformatics and specifically geographically-referenced information technology as a tool for combating
terrorism in Nigeria. The research work looks at the history of terrorism in the country to predict future
trends, and look at ways of fortifying areas of targets of terrorists’ attacks in other to save lives of innocent
citizens. Data about the terrorists’ incidents that occurred within January, 2010 to November, 2015 were
collected. Thematic maps and graphs emphasizing the distribution and frequency of terrorists’ incidents in
Nigeria within the period in review was produced. Recommendations were made on the policies, reforms,
equipment and training of security personnel and harmonization of security operation with geoinformatics

Securing Digital Images Using visual Cryptography

Kirti P. Sahare , Prof. S. A. Murab , Prof. M. V. Sarode , Prof. M. G. Ghonge

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 12 (2015), 1 December 2015 , Page 3410-3414

Visual cryptography technique allows the visual information to be encrypted in such a way that their
decryption can be performed by human visual system. Security has become an inseparable issue as
Information Technology is ruling the world now. Cryptography in the study of mathematical techniques
related aspects of information security such as confidentialities, data security, entity authentication, but it
is not only the means of providing information security, rather one of the techniques. Visual cryptography
can be applied for copy right for images, access control to user images ,visual authentication and
identification any kind images of images like(normal or digital).Visual cryptography is a new technique
which provides information security which user simple algorithm unlike the complex, computationally
intensive algorithms used in other techniques like traditional cryptography. This technique allows visual
information (pictures, text, etc)to be encrypted in such a way that their decryption can be performed by the
human visual system, without any complex cryptographic algorithms. This technique encrypts a secret
image into shares such that stacking sufficient number of shares reveals the secret image. Shares are
visually presented in transparencies.

PV and Battery Energy Storage System Along With SOC Control Method for a Dual-Inverter-Fed Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive

T.Ravi Kumar , Y.Nomeswari , S.Sridhar

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 2 No. 12 (2015), 1 December 2015 , Page 3415-3421

This paper introduces an incorporated solution for a photo-voltaic (PV) and battery energy storage- fed water-pump
drive framework, which utilizes an open-end winding induction machine (OEWIM). The double inverter-bolstered
OEWIM drive accomplishes the usefulness of a three-level inverter and obliges low esteem dc-transport voltage. This
aides in an ideal course of action of PV modules, which could keep away from expansive strings and aides in
enhancing the PV execution with wide transfer speed of working voltage. It additionally decreases the voltage rating
of the dc-join capacitors and exchanging gadgets utilized as a part of the framework. The proposed control method
accomplishes a reconciliation of both most extreme force point following and SOC control for the proficient usage of
the PV boards and the engine. The proposed control plan obliges the detecting of PV voltage and current just. In this
manner, the framework obliges less number of sensors. All the diagnostic, recreation, and test consequences of this
work under distinctive ecological conditions are exhibited in this paper