
Decision Support System for Agriculture Management

Vinita Patil, Snehal Payer, Trupti Teli, Prof Suja Jaychandran,

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3505-3508

Currently climate change is one of the major problems encountered due to the climatic controls interacting
in various intensities and in different combinations.[7]Agro Supply Chain will be an advisory and
information system for the farmers. Agro Supply Chain will be available on mobile phones, which will be
designed for farmers to help them stay on track, avoid troubles, manage their expenses in cultivation,
receive all the latest and updated information, government schemes and strategies related to the field of
agriculture along with suppliers details for sugarcane. The advisory system will enable its users to receive
real-time and interactive advices and alerts on crop. Different alerts will be provided for plantation,
insects, diseases and nutrition. Farmers will also

Design of Virtual Oscilloscope Using Labview

Ghriti Khanna, Dr V.K Banga , Narinder Sharma, Gaurav Soni

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3509-3511|

LabVIEW is a Graphical Programming Language that uses inbuilt modules and functions instead of
complicated code. We can use a LabVIEW With little knowledge of programming language. We build a user
interface with a set of tools and objects. “Virtual Oscilloscope in LabVIEW” operates as like as original
Oscilloscope. By using LabVIEW developing software which based on computer visual virtual
instrumentation to program the Virtual Instruments with traditional instruments functions. So, the aim of
this project to develop the software Module in LabVIEW which shows all the operation of Oscilloscope, in
short it replaces Oscilloscope hardware by software. This system has all the functions which are available
in Oscilloscope.

Detection of Forgery Part in Forgery Image Using Color Intensity

Ms Kopulkar Shital Rangnath & Prof M.S. Borse

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3512-3518

Since many decade’s photographs have been used to document space time events and they have often served
as evidence in courts. This process is very time consuming and requires expect knowledge, although
photographers are able to create composite of analog pictures. Powerful digital image editing software
makes images modifications straightforward. Questions pictures as evidence for real world events, this
undermines our trust in photographs and in particular. Image composition or splicing is a one of the most
common forms of photographic manipulation. In the color of the illumination of images, we propose a
forgery detection method that exploits subtle inconsistencies. Our approach is machine learning based and
requires minimal user interaction. No expert interaction for the tampering decision, the technique is
applicable to images containing two or more people. On image regions of similar material, to achieve this
we incorporate information from physics and statistical based illuminant estimators. We extract texture and
edge based features which are then provided to a machine learning approach for automatic decision
making. The classification performance using an SVM meta-fusion classifier is promising. It yields detection
rates of 86% on a new benchmark dataset consisting of 200 images, and83% on 50 images that were
collected from the Internet.

Survey Paper on Modified Approach for Kmeans Algorithm

Amruta S. Suryavanshi, Prof. Anil D. Gujar,

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3519-3522

Kmeans type clustering aims at partitioning a data set into clusters such that the objects in a cluster are
compact and the objects in different clusters are well separated. However, most kmeans-type clustering
algorithms rely on only intracluster compactness while overlooking intercluster separation. A series of
new clustering algorithms by extending the existing kmeans-type algorithms is proposed by integrating
both intracluster compactness and intercluster separation. First, a set of new objective functions for
clustering is developed. Based on these objective functions, the corresponding updating rules for the
algorithms are then derived analytically. The new algorithm with new objective function to solve the
problem of intracluster compactness and intercluster separation has been proposed. Proposed FCS based
algorithm works simultaneously on both i.e. intracluster compactness and intercluster separation and it
will give a better performance over existing Kmeans.

Impact of Static & Dynamic load at the base of High Speed Turbo Generator Using Three Dimensional Finite Element Stresses

Dr Sanjay Gupta

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3523-3533

This paper is meant to disseminate the state-of-the-art works on the importance of vertical ground motion
and horizontal ground movement under high speed generator in the power sector. The author particularly
likes to raise these with worst possible moment when the turbine gave high amplitude under the high
frequency compared to the natural frequency. From the collection of works worldwide, it is concluded that
neglecting vertical component of the ground motion may lead to serious underestimation of the demand,
over-estimation of the capacity and thus jeopardize overall structural safety . At this sensitive period of
transition the author from his capacity, as a keen professor of the structure of structural dynamics and
vibration engineering for vertical motion and its effects on the structure likes to make few recommendations
to analyze the important structure in civil engineering Hence the author highly recommends the modern
approach and soft ware to analyze structure using Finite element method for any desired depth below the
important structure. The mathematical modeling followed with the finite element modeling. The impacts of
the worst possible moment with the help of vertical and horizontal movement are evaluated. The basis of the
design load over the foundation and the impact of the stresses over the large area are predicted.
The bearing pressure at the different layers may be predicted to deign for the large amplitude of vertical
movement. The structural components for design of the turbine can be verified with the help of the three
dimensional stresses. The realistic approach became the three dimensional stresses analysis compared to
two dimensional stresses were established .

Radix-2 DIT-FFT Algorithm for Real Valued Sequence

Supriya. P. Sarvade, Dr. Shridhar. K , Varun. P. Sarvade

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3534-3536|

This paper intends to present a Radix-2 Decimation-in-Time (DIT) algorithm for the computation of Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) of real-valued sequences which are integral part of all real time signal processing. The fact that the real valued sequence
possesses conjugate symmetric property, is used here to reduce the computational complexity and memory requirements for the
computation of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). A comparison of computational complexity between the proposed algorithm
and existing FFT algorithms reveals the increased efficiency of the proposed algorithm

F-DARA Algorithm For Time Slot Allocation In Internet of Things

Poonam P. Salvi, Prof. S. S. Patil,

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3537-3540

In multi-user wireless video transmission over Internet of Things, to ensure that all video senders have
sufficient transmission opportunity before their deadline expire is a challenging and key issue. Thus fuzzy
based delay aware resource allocation (F-DARA) algorithm is proposed in this paper. This algorithm solves
the problem without assuming detail packet level knowledge. Instead, transmission delay deadlines of each
sender’s video packets are converted into linearly decreasing weight distribution within the considered time
period. Non-stationary slot allocation method is a unique characteristic of F-DARA algorithm which
depends on the allocation of previous slots. This is different from all existing slot allocation policies such as
round-robin or rate-adaptive round-robin policies, which are stationary because the allocation of the
current slot does not depend on the allocation of previous slots.

A Review Paper on Arithmetic and Logical Unit for Graphics Processor

Mamta Ratre, Jitendra Singh,

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3541-3547|

In this era of high end devices, the power efficient architecture is taking responsibility so as to reduce
the cost for maintenance. This becomes the critical task for embedded based device, graphical based
processor and similar DSP processors which suffers with low power. The core of every embedded
device and processor which in turn uses ALU as the workhorse. As we know if workhorse require less
power, speed and area so based on that workhorse complete system will make justice with SPAA
metrics (Speed, Power, Area and Accuracy). This paper present a review study on different type of
exsisting ALU design. Here we also implement that different ALU logic by using of Verilog HDL on
Xilinx tool. The synthesized architecture is implemented by Hardware descriptive language (Verilog).
Analysis is performing on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) level.

Survey on Implementation of VGDRA and its Comparative Analysis

Pournima Harke, Prof.N.B.Pokale

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3548-3550

In wireless sensor networks, exploiting the sink mobility has been considered as a good strategy to balance
the nodes energy dissipation. Despite its numerous advantages, the data dissemination to the mobile sink is
a challenging task for the resource constrained sensor nodes due to the dynamic network topology caused
by the sink mobility. For efficient data delivery, nodes need to reconstruct their routes toward the latest
location of the mobile sink, which undermines the energy conservation goal. In this paper, we present a
virtual grid based dynamic routes adjustment (VGDRA) scheme that aims to minimize the routes
reconstruction cost of the sensor nodes while maintaining nearly optimal routes to the latest location of the
mobile sink. We propose a set of communication rules that governs the routes reconstruction process
thereby requiring only a limited number of nodes to readjust their data delivery routes toward the mobile
sink. Simulation results demonstrate reduced routes reco

Control of smart beams using H∞ to suppress vibrations

Mr Arunkumar G, Dr T.C.Manjunath

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3551-3558

This paper deals with the development of a control scheme for the control of vibrations in smart cantilever beams using Hinfinity technique. Vibration control plays a very important role in the modern day world especially in control of earthquakes
& in aerospace engineering. With reference to this, research is being carried out in this exciting field. Control of vibrations in
smart intelligent structures for a SISO case using H∞ method is presented in this paper. Simulation is carried out in Matlab &
the results show the effectiveness of the method presented in this paper. This is just a simple exercise to show how powerful the
effects of vibrations are died out using the H∞ concept.

An Efficient Indexing Structure for Group Models On Data Streams

G. Sugantha, Dr Akila

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3559-3564

Group learning is a common tool for data stream classification, mainly because of its inherent
advantages of handling huge volume of stream data and concept drifting. Have been mainly focused on
building accurate group models from stream data. a linear scan of a huge number of base classifiers in
the group during prediction incurs significant costs in response time, preventing group learning from
being practical for many real world time critical data stream applications, such as web traffic monitoring
spam detection, intrusion detection In these applications, data streams usually arrive at a speed of Giga
byte per Seconds, and it is necessary to classify each stream record in a timely manner we propose a
novel Ensemble tree indexing structure to organize all base classifiers in an grouped for fast prediction
On Ensemble trees treat group as spatial databases and employee an Random tree like height balanced
structure to minimize the expected prediction time of from linear to sub linear complexity. On the other
hand, Ensemble trees can be automatically updated by continuously integrating new classifiers and other
discarding outdated ones, well adapting to new trends and patterns underneath data streams.

Teixobactin: A Novel Antibiotic in 30 Years and the Key to Beat Resistance

Dr Komal S. Gawand, Dr Ujwala P. Gawali

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3565-3568

Teixobactin, is first new type of antibiotic in 30 years with properties that minimise development of bacterial
resistance. It is discovered by scientist from Northeastern University and Novobiotic Pharmaceuticals by
isolating it with the help of iChip technology. Unlike other antibiotics which act on protein targets and
develop resistance, it acts on unique target in cell wall synthesis and so there is lack of resistance. It is
active against MRSA, M. tb and many other superbugs. It is undergoing preclinical studies and clinical
trials will take several years before the drug reaches the pharmacy shelves.

Innovation in Cryogenic Engine for Rapid Transit by NOS Propulsion

M.Tamilselvan, R.Venkataramanan, K.Hariprrasad

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3569-3571

This paper deals with the Cryogenic Engine, Alternative fuel is used in this engine to increases the
efficiency. Nowadays, Liquid Hydrogen is used as an fuel for cryogenic engine due to some drawbacks.
Liquid Nitrogen is used as an fuel and Liquid Oxygen is used as an Oxidizer. Liquid Nitrogen have more
merits than Liquid Hydrogen are high density, high boiling point, Easily produce, 78% of Nitrogen are
available in atmosphere. The NOS Propulsion cryogenic engine are used in Rapid Transit. In LRT(Light
Rapid Transit) the cryogenic engine are fit in the mid off the Metro Train due to avoid some effect.

Green House Remote Monitoring System Using Embedded Controlled Sensor Network

Mr Pravin D Auti, Prof. R. B. Sonawane

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3572-3576

Embedded controlled sensor network is the technology which is used to implement Greenhouse monitoring
solutions effectively. Many researchers have tried to improve the embedded controlled sensor network.
Present systems are bulky, very costly and having high maintenance. The proposed system is cost effective
and controlled by user friendly embedded systems. In this system ARM based microcontroller and wireless
sensors are used to control the various parameters and to monitor the information regarding the
environment in greenhouse using Zig bee and GSM technologies. This idea represents an effective
implementation for control system used for monitoring regular required conditions of greenhouse by
means of low cost ubiquitous sensing system. The description about the integrated network architecture
and the interconnecting mechanisms for the reliable measurement of parameters by smart sensors and
transmission of data via ZigBee is being presented. The framework of the monitoring system is based on a
combination of pervasive distributed sensing units, information system for data aggregation, and reasoning
and context awareness. Device control is a process that is done in the day to day life of mankind. Usually
there are a number of devices associated with home and an efficient control of these systems is a tedious
task. The rapidly advancing mobile communication technology and the decrease in costs make it possible
to incorporate mobile technology into no. of systems. In this concept we can monitor the greenhouse
environment and we can control the greenhouse loads using wireless communication i.e. ZigBee. Here
temperature sensor and smoke sensor & humidity sensor will measure the temperature and presence of gas
and water level of soil respectively in surroundings and it will send to Receiver. There are two loads; these
are controlled from receiver controller through ZigBee network.

Design of Low-Power Acoustic Modem for Underwater Communication

Jagdale M.R.1 , Puranik V.G

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3577-3581

There is a growing interest in the usage of underwater networked structures for oceanographic
applications. These networks frequently depend upon acoustic communication, which poses some of
demanding situations for reliable data transmission. Commercial underwater modems that do exist have
been layout for sparse, lengthy range software as opposed to for small dense, sensor nets. The
modulation method like ASK. This design makes use of industrial ultrasonic transducer of two hundred
kHz bandwidth. Massage from transmitter can be displayed in visual format as well as it may be
analyzed the usage of one of a kind simulation gear at base station. This paper offers the layout
attention, implementation information and demanding situations in layout attention

Examination of Challenges in Distance Learning Programme. Evidence from Koforidua Study Centre - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Technology (KNUST), Ghana

Regina Okyere-Dankwa1 , Seth Okyere-Dankwa2 , Humphrey Kankam Botchway

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3582-3594|

Distance Learning has become the major focus for majority of people for upgrading themselves which
otherwise might be difficult if not impossible to execute by some individuals who would like to further their
studies. Even though Distance Learning has numerous benefits, students are faced with a lot of challenges
which is affecting their performance that ought to be addressed to enhance their studies. The purpose of the
study is to find out the challenges students are saddled with during their study. The researchers made use of
questionnaire and observation to collate information at the Koforidua Study Centre of Institute of Distance
Learning (IDL), KNUST. The study revealed that students face various kinds of challenges which include;
financial challenges resulting in difficulties in paying fees due to long term of servicing loans, inability to
learn due to busy work schedules as well as managing family responsibility, inability to access additional
information due to expensive nature of computers and tablets. Poor concentration level due to loud noise from
the learning environment during Sunday services among others as well as uncomfortable nature of studying
seats at the centre and less spacious nature of some of the classrooms making teaching and learning
uninteresting. Recommendations were made on how some of the challenges could be managed by the
authorities to help reduce the problem if not totally eradicating them.

Implementation of Factorized Kalman Filter for Target Image Tracking

Roopa.H.R1 , Parimala.P2 , J.R.Raol3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3595-3600

Filtering is useful for many engineering and aerospace applications like satellite orbit estimation or
aircraft state estimation. Factorized Kalman filtering strategy which was originally developed for using
it in spacecraft navigation is discussed in this paper. This algorithm, involves the two aspects of
automatic target recognition which are location and identity estimation of a moving target in the
generated images and centroid tracking for target state estimation using sensor data. For tracking the
centroid of the grey level image factorized Kalman filter is used. A MATLAB code is developed and the
simulated data results indicate a good tracking performance for images. It was observed that filter
generates robust tracks and its results are validated using true data.

A Comparison Study of Non-Standard Analysis and Non-Archimedean Ultrametric Theory

Anuja Ray Chaudhuri

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3601-3607

Infinitesimal elements are mainly considered in non-standard analysis. Recently a new scale free analysis
has been developed using the concept of relative infinitesimals, scale free infinitesimals and their
corresponding non-archimedean absolute value. With this valuation the real number system R has been
extended to an infinite dimensional non-archimedean system R accommodating infinitely small and large
numbers. In this paper we present a comparison study of non-standard analysis and non-archimedean
ultrametric theory.

Finding Experts in Collaborative Environment for Gaining Better Knowledge

D.Dhayalan MCA., (Ph.D)1 , C.Hema Rajeshwari2 , J.Ruth Priya3

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3608-3614

Knowledge Sharing is Associate in nursing activity through that data is changed among folks, friends,
families, communities or organizations. Mutual Environments that modify company-wide world groups to
spot the supply of the counter poison to an absence of state. This paper investigates Fine grained data
sharing in collaborative environments. In operating space wherever it's common that members attempt to
acquire similar data on the online so asto realize specific data in one domain sharing environment is
required. Like in collaborative environments, members might attempt to acquire similar data on the online so
as to realize data in one domain. for instance, in an exceedingly company many departments might in turn
have to be compelled to get same code and workers from these departments might have studied on-line
regarding completely different tools and their options severally. It will be productive to induce them
connected and share learned data. During this dissertation work investigation is completed on fine-grained
data sharing in collaborative environments. In this work a technique is projected to investigate member’s
web surfing data to summarize the fine-grained data non heritable by them. A two-step framework is
projected for mining fine-grained knowledge: (1) web surfing data is clustered into tasks by a nonparametric
generative model; (2) a novel infinite Hidden Markov Model is developed to mine fine-grained aspects in
every task. Finally, the classic expert search methodology is applied to the strip-mined results to seek out
correct authority for data sharing.

Evaluating Creep Damage of Aged Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel Welded Joints through Indentation Creep Test Methodology

Ravindra D. Grampurohit1 , Dr Udaya Prasanna H

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 02 (2016), 1 February 2016 , Page 3615-3620

Vital efforts have been made constantly to search for new materials for high temperature applications,
such as for parts of steam generators, parts of thermal power plants, piping of liquid metal reactors,
which are likely to be exposed to temperature 550 0C and above. Good strength and ductility values
possessed by special steels make them the first choice of designers for applications mentioned. Modified
9Cr-1Mo steel has been in use for such applications since a decade. Experiments are designed to
extract all possible information regarding structural disintegration of the material. Additionally,
scanning electron microscopy is planned to be adopted to observe micro-structural changes and
correlation will be attempted to link them to observed creep behaviour. Indentation creep studies are
made for various metal and alloy categories and data available on special application steels are
limited. Also, differently designed tests may reveal the required information.