
The Effect Of Learning Strategy And Self Confidence Towards Tahfidz Qur'an Learning Outcomes

Zulfitria, Zainal Arif

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, , 14 April 2022

The aim of this research was to determine the learning outcomes of learning strategies and confidence in memorizing of Holy Qur'an. This research was conducted at Islamic Integrated Junior High School YAPIDH in Bekasi. Sampling method of this research was random sampling which was based on students' self-confidence, so that the sample for each study group consisted of 12 students for the experimental group and 12 students for the conventional. Experimental research carried out by using design treatment by level 2x2. The results of research showed (1) there were  differences between learners provided by peer tutors with learners provided by conventional learning, (2) there was interaction between learning strategies and confidence towards learning outcomes memorizing  of  the holy Qur'an, (3) there was the difference between the students who have high confidence that using peer tutoring strategy compared with conventional learning, (4) there was a difference between students who have low confidence that using peer tutoring learning strategies compared with conventional strategies.


Design of a Drone having Capability to Transform its Configuration Depending on Mission Profile

Abhishek Jadhav

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, , 14 April 2022

    Over the last decade, drone technology has helped lower most of the cost for critical missions and has increased the number of possible applications across almost all the fields. These applications range from remote sensing, aerial surveillance, motion picture filmmaking to mineral exploration, disaster relief, and many others, among which delivery system could be one of the most talked once. Based on these uses, many small and few large-scale businesses have emerged seeking to conquer the drone industry. These businesses are mostly related to governmental, commercial, or military applications. There is no doubt that drone technology comes with few misleading activities like illegal use of drones for spying, or killer drones used by terrorist organizations. This has made the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) rethink over these inhumane possibilities by drones, and forced them to come up with new sets of rules for drone flying.

    But this does not stop thinkers like us from believing in drone's true potential, and to come up with groundbreaking discoveries to make human life more affordable and secure. Companies are using drones to transport blood packs in rural areas where ground transport in a short time is not available. Government using them in a pandemic situation to transport medical equipment, sanitizing certain red zones. Police services using them for monitoring certain areas. Whilst keeping all of this in mind, could there be any other possibility that can be achieved using drones?

Adaptive Data Reliability Engineering For AI-Driven Cloud Ecosystems

Dillep kumar Pentyala

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, , 14 April 2022 , Page 1-31

But even in the age of AI-driven cloud ecosystems, we continue to grapple with how to maintain data reliability when workloads are constantly shifting, data comes from many places, and the real-time expectation is often acute. Data reliability methods that are used in traditional approaches do not fully address the issues that arise with data in these environments. This research outlines an adaptive data reliability engineering model to AI cloud platforms specially designed for such environments. That is why, by using anomaly detection in real time, errors detecting and redundancy control algorithms, the framework is very flexible in dealing with changing data and provides an extreme reliability. Declarative concepts of consistency, availability, and tolerance to faults are clearly described and instrumented based on a set of benchmark test applications and realistic workloads. The studies also show better results regarding data to noise ratios and guarantee these improvements compared to conventional practices with the framework pointing to the prospect of improving efficacy and robustness of AI applications hosted on the cloud. But besides it being relevant, this study also fills gaps in current knowledge and creates the groundwork for future innovations in adaptive reliability engineering for industries that depend on sound data systems.